National Sales Meeting

This scene is all too familiar. When the field complains about management and other minutia such as sales meetings the culture is shot. This sucks, that sucks..... and sales suck. Changes coming soon. Will the changes be to the management or the naysayers in the field? I think we all know what happens next.

This scene is all too familiar. When the field complains about management and other minutia such as sales meetings the culture is shot. This sucks, that sucks..... and sales suck. Changes coming soon. Will the changes be to the management or the naysayers in the field? I think we all know what happens next.

Kengreal? Ionsys? Cleviprex? Orbactiv?
The entire product line belongs on a 3AM infomercial.

Oh, well. Free cocktails at the upcoming NSM...

Kengreal? Ionsys? Cleviprex? Orbactiv?
The entire product line belongs on a 3AM infomercial.

Oh, well. Free cocktails at the upcoming NSM...

This place is going nowhere, now the gig will start to blame the sales force and vice versa, truth is that there is no one in place that knows what their doing!!! DOUCHE BAG continues to act like the company is his personal expense account. Why is this tool always flying out to CA and FL? Wtf. Mike wake the f up and get rid of that turd. I'm
Sure that you can find people that are much more qualified to help you devise a plan for this sinking ship. Oh wait more cow bell.

just heard that one of the market access people left? Any idea who? It doesn't surprise me, everyone at this co is completely fustrated! Every time my EP calls I cringe, because they always have the next best idea!! Please just for me a break and let me figure where I want to work next. I'm so tired of not being listened to, and can someone please tell the vp to shut up, cheese head.

just heard that one of the market access people left? Any idea who? It doesn't surprise me, everyone at this co is completely fustrated! Every time my EP calls I cringe, because they always have the next best idea!! Please just for me a break and let me figure where I want to work next. I'm so tired of not being listened to, and can someone please tell the vp to shut up, cheese head.

Sounds like someone has a bad attitude and needs a conference call spanking and/or additional NSM as punishment!

I heard we are doing an June NSM and then an August NSM for the bottom 50% performers.

Kengreal? Ionsys? Cleviprex? Orbactiv?
The entire product line belongs on a 3AM infomercial.

Oh, well. Free cocktails at the upcoming NSM...

Hot off the presses! We have been sold sold sold! The question now is? Do we keep all the idiots at the top? Or do we say bye-bye to DB, MM, MN. It's like DB's prom song... Never say goodbye, never say goodbyyy!!