National Sales Meeting 2022

I hear Galderma is going to require everyone to get a covid test 48 hrs prior to the NSM and they will also do daily testing at the NSM to keep people safe. Thats the responsible thing to do.

Reputable companies would never hold a live meeting during a pandemic. This is Galderma, what do you expect? Rotten to the core.

can you name any of these reputable companies that have not held live meetings since the pandemic started? Abbvie, JnJ, AZ, Merck, Amgen have all had live meetings. Which ones have not?

If you’re vaccinated you shouldn’t even be concerned & Omicron is basically a freaking cold so quit being so dramatic . Stay home or get a new job If you’re so worried about it.

Your the problem. What will get covered during that God awful meeting that is so important? Nothing. You will be forced to sit and clap for every department but the sales field.

Lon you weak pathetic fear people. You have a stupid vax it is time to grow up and grow a pair. You are a pathetic weak person who should continue to hide in the basement. Let the warriors do the work. Your parents raised a coward

Your the problem. What will get covered during that God awful meeting that is so important? Nothing. You will be forced to sit and clap for every department but the sales field.
Tell me you’ve never been to a Galderma NSM without telling me you’ve never been to a Galderma NSM. This yahoo ⬆️ went first