National Sales Force??


Not structured to be a part of the current business unit but report to a different chain of command, one of two national business units. Expect much larger territories, territory will be a combination of many territories.

That would be the POS company known as PDI which just signed a huge contract with Pfizer. Our leadership continues to experiment to our detriment because of their complete ineptitude to understand sales and the customer. This is a complete cluster fuck and its leaders are to blame: Wilbanks, Duprey, and Schmocker. The most incompetent worthless, self-centered dipshits in the industry and anyone who has worked with them knows it. They get rid of whoever uncovers their shenanigans and it will happen agin. Ass kissers will continue to prosper starting with my RBD MR. Worthless.

PDI will be taking PVC and which other drugs? Is all the p4s being let go, even if they are cluster 1? or just cluster 2. I appreciate your honesty. You seem to know whats really happening.

National Sales Force = Contract Reps (most of which anticipated to be former Pfizer Cluster 2s seeking a new job)?

You will be selected based on your ratings from 2010 and 2011, then post and compete for all open positions. The jobs will only last a year or two at the most then another restructuring will take place to eliminate your positions.

I don't think national = contract. Call specifically said women's health is going contract. I think national sales force will be Pfizer employees but operate outside the RBU structure.

The National Sales force is going to be made up of Cluster 3 and 4. They will all be Pfizer. The contract salesforce is for PVC. #3 will be Toviaz and Viagra and #4 is Pristiq plus one other I can not remember

I don't think national = contract. Call specifically said women's health is going contract. I think national sales force will be Pfizer employees but operate outside the RBU structure.

Why the extra expense of management in another structure? Just adds more conflict, lack of collaboration at field level.

The National Sales force is going to be made up of Cluster 3 and 4. They will all be Pfizer. The contract salesforce is for PVC. #3 will be Toviaz and Viagra and #4 is Pristiq plus one other I can not remember

Ok I'll ask what is different about the structure quoted above and the "new" structure? Still two bags on that side????

I don't think national = contract. Call specifically said women's health is going contract. I think national sales force will be Pfizer employees but operate outside the RBU structure.

I agree ... we were told PVC goes to contract .... the other two will be distinct "national" deployed sales forces. I'm thinking the geographies of these two groups will be different from the geographies that exists in the RBU system.

The question is, how will the "National Sales Force" be structured?? I don't see this company growing Pristiq and Toviaz with no boots on the ground, especially in markets where access is good. Viibryd will eat their lunch in those markets.

National seems to imply to me "less management", with reps reporting to DMs who will be specific to that product bag, and who report directly to a zone VP, or even a national VP.

or ....

Maybe, they are positioning Pristiq and Toviaz to be sold off later.

The National Sales force is going to be made up of Cluster 3 and 4. They will all be Pfizer. The contract salesforce is for PVC. #3 will be Toviaz and Viagra and #4 is Pristiq plus one other I can not remember

We were told #4 is Pristiq + Lyrica for FM only. Anyone with info please post on how this would work...a separate sales force (but very small, 191 reps nationally) will call on PC docs for just the FM indication while Cluster 1 reps are also promoting Lyrica for DPN/PHN to the same docs?

We were told #4 is Pristiq + Lyrica for FM only. Anyone with info please post on how this would work...a separate sales force (but very small, 191 reps nationally) will call on PC docs for just the FM indication while Cluster 1 reps are also promoting Lyrica for DPN/PHN to the same docs?

Asking for a post here is like the blind leading the blind. No one really knows and the ones that do aren't talking until Dec. 21st.