National Respiratory Meeting

So happy to see the Bush League Managemet of BIPI trolling CP!
Any rep who’s spent time at any other organization quickly realizes that their fearless manager is a dinosaur who couldn’t manage a Red Box route.
Now go add up how many pieces of paper you have printed this month so that they can account for the $84.58 you expensed on ink in December.
Enjoy the ride because it’s not worth sweating the small stuff at this place. News flash it’s ALL small stuff!

Managers on Cafepharma obviously have too much time on their hands. Nothing like being an adult babysitter

Babysitting only happens where there are babies. So perhaps it’s time for you to grow up, grow some, and do the job you are paid to do.

I have an idea of the manager who may be responding. He is the most petty and vindictive of the bunch. Hey douche, just because you’ve hitched your wagon to this sinking franchise don’t be mad at us. When we are at these meetings you talk about loyalty and “family” yet you’ll put us out the moment you need to to save your own ass. Just because I’m realistic about that, you tell me I should quit. Nah, I’ll keep barely working and collecting my 6 figures, then on to the next who will pay me more.

I have an idea of the manager who may be responding. He is the most petty and vindictive of the bunch. Hey douche, just because you’ve hitched your wagon to this sinking franchise don’t be mad at us. When we are at these meetings you talk about loyalty and “family” yet you’ll put us out the moment you need to to save your own ass. Just because I’m realistic about that, you tell me I should quit. Nah, I’ll keep barely working and collecting my 6 figures, then on to the next who will pay me more.

This description could fit literally any DM lol

Any announcement for the IPF / ILD kickoff meeting - Hawaii or BVI?
Tha Playboys are getting ready
No time to worry about large molecule respiratory- stuff’s all going generic

And you don’t belong here if you can’t handle it. Get with it or get out. It’s simple...really. If a Fast start meeting is on the books a couple week after a POA meeting, then it’s happening. No amount of griping from you can change that. Your airing of grievances here to that point only underscores your general incompetence.

this makes no sense. I vote with the majority who think you are a moron.