Natera sales

Ah, but in a published study and so forever in our hearts and minds!

If you want to call that a study then the jokes on you.


What study are you referencing where they didn't include 20% positive anueploidy. Also, if it was a positive call, shouldn't you include it to increase PPV and Sensitivity? I'm confused why they wouldn't include 20% of their anueploidies... Do explain and cite the study please.

Pergament. 20%+ of your NR were positive aneuploidy. So high, that ACOG issued guidance. Scared to classify the tough ones? That study also had a 15% NR rate... That's a lot of patients you all excluded because you wanted to...

How does that affect your S and S? Simple... The less you call, the fewer errors in that call.

26% failure rate in patients over 200 lbs?

The list goes on and on...

Should I quote your Dar study as well... Or have you had enough?

It's clear you sell on price...

so funny to see people defending counting method. First generation and dated technology. SNPs are the future, period. Natera on front line of that. way more of a chance for sustainability in the fast paced genetic testing world.

It's really pointless to quibble anyway. Within 4-6 months, Sequenom won't be a company anymore.

So long suckas!

so funny to see people defending counting method. First generation and dated technology. SNPs are the future, period. Natera on front line of that. way more of a chance for sustainability in the fast paced genetic testing world.

It's really pointless to quibble anyway. Within 4-6 months, Sequenom won't be a company anymore.

So long suckas!

Right. SNP are so great. We have an RHD tests that uses SNP... 5 years before you clowns. Your technology might be good in other specialties.... Not prenatal.

Your test isn't worth the toilet paper I wipe my ass with. Advancements? Where are yours? Genome owns your pile of crap test. Good luck w further advancements. Panorama doesn't even do the most simplistic of things correctly.

It's funny how Natera claims Sequenom technology is antiquated... Yet our outdated, "counting" method is clinically far superior. Your company purely wins on out of pocket cost to patient.... Period. When you stop billing insurance 10k for FISH... Then we'll see how mighty you are.

How will you achieve that revenue with in-network contracts? $800 doesn't equal 10k... Good luck.

hahahahaha! Oh god this is rich.

It's called volume you idiots. Did you see how much more in network volume Natera had last quarter? Did you see Sequenoms? Seq is bleeding out bad! Natera has plenty in the pipeline and the street clearly is backing them financially.

As far as price wars, that's all Seq hangs their hat on! $200 cash price! I've seen the marketing piece you have. Truth is your strategy on price is ALL you have because your customers are leaving every day!

Show me the data on Genome. I heard some MFMs and GCs last week laughing about Genome, called it "desperate".

Fucking clowns. Take out your iPhones and look at your stock price.

Pergament. 20%+ of your NR were positive aneuploidy. So high, that ACOG issued guidance. Scared to classify the tough ones? That study also had a 15% NR rate... That's a lot of patients you all excluded because you wanted to...

How does that affect your S and S? Simple... The less you call, the fewer errors in that call.

26% failure rate in patients over 200 lbs?

The list goes on and on...

Should I quote your Dar study as well... Or have you had enough?

It's clear you sell on price...

I would love for you to quote something from Dar, even though that still is not our most recent validation. BUT, I will clear some things for you since you seem to be a bit confused.

Our NR rate, or no call rate or redraw rate has been validated and published for our most recent V2 Panorama as 2.8%. So yea, there is that.

Scared to classify the tough ones? No, we are the only company who actually included mosaics in our numbers, unlike seq who removed them to increase their S and S (as you call it) as well as their ppv.

Now, how does it feel selling a test that loses its sensitivity, down to about 75%, when fetal fraction is below 10%? Must be rough. Of course, who really knows what your fetal fraction is when you guys measure it using methylation because you know, two non pregnant women had 3.9% and 4.3% fetal fractions, right?

How do you guys miss the fetal sex of the baby 2/100 times? Oh, i think it is because you are using a mpss method that can not adequately define which is babies dna and which is moms dna. I know, that must be tricky to work around eh?

Oh, speaking of distinguishing between the two, how do you know if you are making a call on the fetus affected or potentially a vanished twin? I guess you guys can't huh?

Also, how come you guys aren't able to identify triploidy in a pregnancy? Nothing worse than calling a pregnancy normal just to have the mother to be miscarry 2 months later thinking her baby was healthy because she was offered a sub par test from sequenom. I have won a couple of account off that alone. It happens more than you losers would like to admit.

So, between missed fetal sex, calling the non-pregnant, pregnant, not able to distinguish a VT or triploidy, not reporting fetal fraction unless requested, and even if you do it is completely a shot in the dark, because, you know, limitations of your method for determining FF and all..the list goes on. Have you had enough or shall I continue?

Oh, ok...I will add one more thing....we have in network contracts with Anthem, United, cigna, aetna, and, yeah about those $10k bills?

None of this really matters, like the above poster said, pull out your phone and check out your stock price. You guys are under $1 a share which is absolutely pathetic. You will get bought out in about 4-6 months, and Natera is a good bet for the company to do so.


Again, in traditional Natera fashion, you've fabricated and lied your way through a discussion... just as you do every day in front of your doctors.

-Mosaics have been included in all of our peer reviewed publications... CPM, a common cause for a false positive. Not sure what you've read that says otherwise.... besides the garbage your management tells you to spew.

-Sensitivity and specificity as low as 75% with FF under 10%... again, where are you getting this? Unless you are referring to microdeletions... which yes, suffer with lower fetal fraction. On the other hand, your company has only produced data on one deletion, 22q... and had a PPV of 6%. Where is the data that supports the other deletions you look for? Cherry pickers.

Triploidy/vanishing twin... your test doesn't distinguish between the two. When it is reported, it is reported as EITHER triploidy/vanishing twin. How does this help? Keep fishing.... what's the prevalence for Triploidy? Less than 1%. Impressive.

--and the infamous sex calls... geez.

What peer reviewed data to you have showing a 2.8% non-reportable rate? Here are real numbers from YOUR studies:

1. Zimmerman 166 patients, 21 test failures
2. Nicolaides 242 patients, 13 test failures
3. Pergament 1051 patients, 85 failures
4. Dar 30,750 patients 1966 failures
____within these failures, your test was two times more likely to be associated with aneuploidy. 16%

--the infamous sex calls... yes, sequenom missed 2 of 212. However, Natera, in Pergament, issued 20% of results without classifying gender. 15% of results were issued without fetal gender in Dar (there's two references to Dar)... where'd those gender calls go?

You think I give a crap if Sequenom sells? Wonderful... vest 4.5 years of stock and move on to greener pastures with a severance. I get recruited by you losers on a monthly basis. There's zero shortage of genetics sales people.

I would love for you to quote something from Dar, even though that still is not our most recent validation. BUT, I will clear some things for you since you seem to be a bit confused.

Our NR rate, or no call rate or redraw rate has been validated and published for our most recent V2 Panorama as 2.8%. So yea, there is that.

Scared to classify the tough ones? No, we are the only company who actually included mosaics in our numbers, unlike seq who removed them to increase their S and S (as you call it) as well as their ppv.

Now, how does it feel selling a test that loses its sensitivity, down to about 75%, when fetal fraction is below 10%? Must be rough. Of course, who really knows what your fetal fraction is when you guys measure it using methylation because you know, two non pregnant women had 3.9% and 4.3% fetal fractions, right?

How do you guys miss the fetal sex of the baby 2/100 times? Oh, i think it is because you are using a mpss method that can not adequately define which is babies dna and which is moms dna. I know, that must be tricky to work around eh?

Oh, speaking of distinguishing between the two, how do you know if you are making a call on the fetus affected or potentially a vanished twin? I guess you guys can't huh?

Also, how come you guys aren't able to identify triploidy in a pregnancy? Nothing worse than calling a pregnancy normal just to have the mother to be miscarry 2 months later thinking her baby was healthy because she was offered a sub par test from sequenom. I have won a couple of account off that alone. It happens more than you losers would like to admit.

So, between missed fetal sex, calling the non-pregnant, pregnant, not able to distinguish a VT or triploidy, not reporting fetal fraction unless requested, and even if you do it is completely a shot in the dark, because, you know, limitations of your method for determining FF and all..the list goes on. Have you had enough or shall I continue?

Oh, ok...I will add one more thing....we have in network contracts with Anthem, United, cigna, aetna, and, yeah about those $10k bills?

None of this really matters, like the above poster said, pull out your phone and check out your stock price. You guys are under $1 a share which is absolutely pathetic. You will get bought out in about 4-6 months, and Natera is a good bet for the company to do so.


In-network volume? did you even listen to your earnings call? "covered" volume is not in-network. Your contracts are recent.... good luck billing 88271 for pathology going forward. I have recent Natera statements proving your In-network claim is a farce. If you were truly in-network, wouldn't you be collecting deductibles... instead, your reps are quoting a max of $99 to patients.


hahahahaha! Oh god this is rich.

It's called volume you idiots. Did you see how much more in network volume Natera had last quarter? Did you see Sequenoms? Seq is bleeding out bad! Natera has plenty in the pipeline and the street clearly is backing them financially.

As far as price wars, that's all Seq hangs their hat on! $200 cash price! I've seen the marketing piece you have. Truth is your strategy on price is ALL you have because your customers are leaving every day!

Show me the data on Genome. I heard some MFMs and GCs last week laughing about Genome, called it "desperate".

Fucking clowns. Take out your iPhones and look at your stock price.

Again, in traditional Natera fashion, you've fabricated and lied your way through a discussion... just as you do every day in front of your doctors.

-Mosaics have been included in all of our peer reviewed publications... CPM, a common cause for a false positive. Not sure what you've read that says otherwise.... besides the garbage your management tells you to spew.

-Sensitivity and specificity as low as 75% with FF under 10%... again, where are you getting this? Unless you are referring to microdeletions... which yes, suffer with lower fetal fraction. On the other hand, your company has only produced data on one deletion, 22q... and had a PPV of 6%. Where is the data that supports the other deletions you look for? Cherry pickers.

Triploidy/vanishing twin... your test doesn't distinguish between the two. When it is reported, it is reported as EITHER triploidy/vanishing twin. How does this help? Keep fishing.... what's the prevalence for Triploidy? Less than 1%. Impressive.

--and the infamous sex calls... geez.

What peer reviewed data to you have showing a 2.8% non-reportable rate? Here are real numbers from YOUR studies:

1. Zimmerman 166 patients, 21 test failures
2. Nicolaides 242 patients, 13 test failures
3. Pergament 1051 patients, 85 failures
4. Dar 30,750 patients 1966 failures
____within these failures, your test was two times more likely to be associated with aneuploidy. 16%

--the infamous sex calls... yes, sequenom missed 2 of 212. However, Natera, in Pergament, issued 20% of results without classifying gender. 15% of results were issued without fetal gender in Dar (there's two references to Dar)... where'd those gender calls go?

You think I give a crap if Sequenom sells? Wonderful... vest 4.5 years of stock and move on to greener pastures with a severance. I get recruited by you losers on a monthly basis. There's zero shortage of genetics sales people.

Funniest thing about this post is you put "vest 4.5 years of stock"


So, let's say you accrued 2000 shares - that gets you about $1900 before taxes....


Funniest thing about this post is you put "vest 4.5 years of stock"


So, let's say you accrued 2000 shares - that gets you about $1900 before taxes....


Haha, yes it is pretty sad that any shares we currently have are worth less than a bacon cheeseburger at Wendy's. Looking to get out as there is no reason in waiting for the impending buy out. Never thought the day would come when Progenity would last longer than Sequenom.

Haha, yes it is pretty sad that any shares we currently have are worth less than a bacon cheeseburger at Wendy's. Looking to get out as there is no reason in waiting for the impending buy out. Never thought the day would come when Progenity would last longer than Sequenom.

Exactly... Because after 4+ years... 2000 shares is all someone could have accrued. Try 10-15x that. The beauty of Having a penny stock.

Even if the stock trades at $1, the selling point would be around 4-5$.

Have any of you worked for a company that has been bought out? It's a great thing. I hope every company I work for gets bought every 4 years or so. Cash out 80-100k and move on.

Exactly... Because after 4+ years... 2000 shares is all someone could have accrued. Try 10-15x that. The beauty of Having a penny stock.

Even if the stock trades at $1, the selling point would be around 4-5$.

Have any of you worked for a company that has been bought out? It's a great thing. I hope every company I work for gets bought every 4 years or so. Cash out 80-100k and move on.

Yes, I sure have. And it was glorious. There is something we can certainly agree on!

haha sounds like propaganda from Seq leadership. You guys should concentrate on mitigating chances of fire sale instead of posting on here.

Unfortunately that's very very seldom how it all goes down. That's what they tell you but reps do not walk away with money like that.

Best bet is to get out now and don't wait until buyout. It gets messy. Just sayin.

We're now at 2.9 - while you losers are at 2.8

Glassdoor isn't just all about numbers - you can learn a lot about a company if you read the reviews. Here is a nice one from a former employee at your Redwood City office:


"Natera = Theranos (in my opinion)"
Star Star Star Star Star

  • Work/Life Balance
  • Culture & Values
  • Career Opportunities
  • Comp & Benefits
  • Senior Management
Former Employee - Anonymous Employee in Redwood City, CA
Former Employee - Anonymous Employee in Redwood City, CA

Doesn't Recommend
Negative Outlook
Disapproves of CEO

I worked at Natera full-time (More than a year)


Genetics is a hot industry, and Natera positions itself to be on the cutting edge of science. The company attracts the best and the brightest, and as a hiring manager, this was the biggest benefit. The company also offers great perks, including catered lunches, office snacks and an on-site gym.


In my opinion, Natera has a toxic culture. I won't pretend to understand what causes it or keeps it going. All I can say is that I felt this unsettling, gnawing pulse during most of my time there.

In my experience -- after my honeymoon -- I had internal struggles. I desperately wanted to leave, but I also desperately wanted to stay, to improve things and make an impact. The company has a very distinct lure about it, and, I believe, even those within its walls hold on to this hope that the culture is merely a product of "growing too fast" or "being on the cutting edge," and it will turn around soon.

In my opinion, Natera is akin to Theranos. To me, it seems to be a healthcare company run by those without a lot of prior healthcare experience. I truly hope the company doesn't have the same outcome as Theranos.

Hilarious that glassdoor reviews are being quoted on here. Those are lab workers, admin folks or customer service personnel.

2.9 on Glassdoor will definitely turn your stock price around. Hahaha.

I guess you have to try to be proud of something. Well there's that.