Wow, I'm not too impressed with that disjointed email that Nate Folkert sent yesterday afternoon. There wasn't much a message there. He sure doesn't have any clue about what's going on in the field, where we stand product wise, and marketing wise. He's down on the sales force because our shoulder fixation numbers are down. Take a look at look at our product line, compared to what the competition has now! WTF does he expect? We have less than half of the required fixation products we need to be considered a shoulder fixation player. Then he says to just let the marketing team know what new products we need, in order to be successful. Gee, you think we haven't been doing that for over 5 years now, with not one new product (other than the Y-knot in 2013, which we just buy from another company). Even if the so called loser marketing team of Michelle O, John L, and Trey S, could actually listen to the reps and surgeons on what we need, it would still be at least 2 years from now before we could get one new product. That's how slow our engineers are, because there's not enough of them and they have no budget. There's plenty of startup sports med companies out there that already have the products we need, and they also have the leadership and surgeon consultants we need. Unfortunately, I just don't see anything positive happening with Linvatec anytime soon. Thoughts?