Nate Folkert


Wow, I'm not too impressed with that disjointed email that Nate Folkert sent yesterday afternoon. There wasn't much a message there. He sure doesn't have any clue about what's going on in the field, where we stand product wise, and marketing wise. He's down on the sales force because our shoulder fixation numbers are down. Take a look at look at our product line, compared to what the competition has now! WTF does he expect? We have less than half of the required fixation products we need to be considered a shoulder fixation player. Then he says to just let the marketing team know what new products we need, in order to be successful. Gee, you think we haven't been doing that for over 5 years now, with not one new product (other than the Y-knot in 2013, which we just buy from another company). Even if the so called loser marketing team of Michelle O, John L, and Trey S, could actually listen to the reps and surgeons on what we need, it would still be at least 2 years from now before we could get one new product. That's how slow our engineers are, because there's not enough of them and they have no budget. There's plenty of startup sports med companies out there that already have the products we need, and they also have the leadership and surgeon consultants we need. Unfortunately, I just don't see anything positive happening with Linvatec anytime soon. Thoughts?

Was that serious? I thought Nate was totally joking. I would check in with Nate, pretty sure he was kidding. He has told me he knows our shoulder line is basically malpractice if someone uses it. Nate and I had big volume shoulder doc down to Largo. First question by doctor was "who are some leaders in sports medicine community that use your shoulder line?" We thanked the doctor for coming and sent him home. Who needs those types of questions?

Relationships with shoulder docs? The company doesn't want to have relationships with docs. If they did, they would be signing up consultants. But they're not, and there are only a handful of shoulder consultants, and the company doesn't do anything with them. That's great that Nate knows shoulder trauma. The only problem is that Linvatec doesn't have a trauma line (shoulder arthroscopy/sports medicine products, and trauma products, are two different things).

Nate is a great guy who led knee marketing at zimmer before moving over to run Canada and then all of zimmer trauma. he understands how to navigate corporate bureaucracy - believe me, zimmer is the king of hamstringing itself. and he is a bright guy who will pick up quickly on sports med. he should be a positive force of change in culture at your company, including landing key consulting relationships, if that's what you guys lack and need (sounds like it). good energetic leader who is definitely on the side of sales team in my experience, since he brings experience from both sales and corporate world.

How are our relationships with the shoulder docs? Nate is new and he knows Trauma.

How does Nate "knows trauma"? He never went to medical school nor is he an Orthopedic resident or surgeon.

Unless Nate has got some Orthopedic department experience or some Emergency Room training as an ER physician.

i dare you to doubt Nate Folkert. Look at his history. Nate "knows success". Nate "knows rapid market share growth". Arthrex is worried that a sleeping giant like Linvatec has a leader like Nate Folkert. Sales folks need to get ready for the financial tidal wave coming at them. There is a success storm forming and Nate Folkert is the rain maker.

HAHAHAHA... Arthrex. Get ready for your lives to be turned upside down. Y-Knot is no joke, but more importantly Nate is teaching us how to be successful.

This is what Nate Folert told me about our business- I’m gonna let you in on a little secret about these Y-Knot anchors. They’re not gonna sell themselves! Okay? Without you they’re just worthless hunk of suture. Like a loaded M16 without a trained Marine to pull the trigger. And in the case of the Y-Knot, it’s up to each and every one of you, my highly trained Linvateces, my killers. My killers who will not take no for an answer! My fucking warriors who’ll not give up at the scrub sink, until their doctor either buys or fucking dies!

Let me tell you something. There is no nobility in poverty. I’ve been a rich man, and I’ve been poor man. And I choose rich every fucking time. Cause, At least as a rich man, when I have to face my problems, I show up in the back of a limo wearing a $2000 suit …and $40,000 gold fuckin’ watch!

Now, if anyone here thinks I’m superficial or materialistic. Go get a job at fucking Arthrex, because that’s where you fucking belong! But, before you depart this company full of winners, I want you to take a good look at the person next to you, go on. Because sometime in the not-so-distant future, you’re pullin’ up to a red light in your beat-up old fucking Pinto, and that person’s gonna pull up right alongside you in a brand new Porsche, with their beautiful wife by his side, whose got big voluptuous tits. And who will you be next to? Some disgusting wilder beast with three days of razor-stubble in a sleeveless moo-moo, crammed in next to you with a carload full of groceries from the fucking Price Club! That’s who you’re gonna be sitting next to. So, you listen to me and you listen well… Get ready there is a new sheriff in town and his name is Nate Folkert. He came to change our lives! My family will be in a new house this time next year because Nate is training me to be a killer at the scrub sink!

Nate is a joke. How does he think this company will be successful if they don't have any new products to shell. He is by far the worst example I have ever seen as a leader. You know he loved to call people out in meetings, even when the person says I'm sorry, he still goes after them like a a-hole. Frankly, the worst mistake CH ever made was hiring this guy. How the hell do you expect the team to perform or produce when you fire half of them? He's an idiot and it's only a matter of time before he either destroys this company or is out.

Wow, I'm not too impressed with that disjointed email that Nate Folkert sent yesterday afternoon. There wasn't much a message there. He sure doesn't have any clue about what's going on in the field, where we stand product wise, and marketing wise. He's down on the sales force because our shoulder fixation numbers are down. Take a look at look at our product line, compared to what the competition has now! WTF does he expect? We have less than half of the required fixation products we need to be considered a shoulder fixation player. Then he says to just let the marketing team know what new products we need, in order to be successful. Gee, you think we haven't been doing that for over 5 years now, with not one new product (other than the Y-knot in 2013, which we just buy from another company). Even if the so called loser marketing team of Michelle O, John L, and Trey S, could actually listen to the reps and surgeons on what we need, it would still be at least 2 years from now before we could get one new product. That's how slow our engineers are, because there's not enough of them and they have no budget. There's plenty of startup sports med companies out there that already have the products we need, and they also have the leadership and surgeon consultants we need. Unfortunately, I just don't see anything positive happening with Linvatec anytime soon. Thoughts?

That's because he keeps firing all the people he needs to do develop more products. He thinks outsourcing is the answer. No matter what happens in 2017, it's not going to be sustainable and more people will be out. Smart move Sherlock.

Thanks all! Every time I get depressed about my own situation at my own company, I come to the linvawreck board and read about your constant train wrecks. Then I feel a lot better. Cheaper than therapy which none of us in med device have time for anyway. Thanks for the laughs!