nascobal (r) (b 12) demand is strong

Par closed after hours with the bid at $13.25 on auto listing 100 shs but taking all shares offerred. P - what is going on? We know better that this is your thread for the asking.

The accumulation continues as PRX remains UNDERVALUED. $16 is the next target as we hit all the benchmarks i envisioned this spring. Congrats if you doubled down as I strongly recommended a short time ago. We got rid of the pests as they gave up in disgrace. And thanks for the warm invite as this is my new home.

((((((((((((($16 soon))))))))))))

Pee forecasted $15.00, then $14.00, then $13.76 for May. Downward revisions characterize a neative opinion.

Second, a random number generator has a chance of being correct. Random number generator might be a better forecasting tool than Pee's methodology.

Hey P, I like how you won't admit that you were wrong about the stock hitting $15 or $14 in May, or that it didn't climb back to $13.76 after you called that, because we can all see the date stamps on your posts to prove that you called it after it touched that price in interday trading.

And before you start with the "89 has rage" and "89 is a short" again, let me just say that I'm happy with the stock's recent run, because I am long in it.

What matters is his screaming buy with both fists DOUBLE DOWN CALL at $9.11 when all were hiding and running for cover. Congrats you bought in at 13.34 on the way to $16 and $20 just as he advised and you doubted such a short time ago. Thank god no one listens and believes you.

Glad to see such wide participation from par longs

can you believe when par was 10 and 11 a few months ago we would see the runup to $$ 14 as I advised those many months back. Congrats to those who got on board

yes i plan to continue to deliver the golden info that made the buyout thread with 68k views the most popular thread BY FAR in the history of PRX and the nascobal thread will rival that one soon

note the silence from the one detractor as he stopped posting his claims, lies, distortions, etc here and there as his lies and scare tactics have been put to bed as he concentrates full time in texas on panhandling to support his degenerate lifestyle

Obama will be good for the generic players in 2009 and beyond

(((((((((((((DOUBLE DOWN HEAVEN)))))))))))))))))


Woodcliff Lake, NJ, June 2, 2009 Par Pharmaceutical Companies, Inc. (NYSE:pRX) today announced that it began shipping 0.25 mg, 3 mg and 4 mg strengths of risperidone ODT to the trade. Risperidone ODT is a generic version of Janssen Pharma’s Risperdal® M-TAB. Annual U.S. sales of Risperdal M-TAB were approximately $89 million in 2008, according to IMS Health data. Par has been awarded 180 days of marketing exclusivity for being the first to file an ANDA containing a paragraph IV certification for these three strengths of the product.

Glad to see such wide participation from par longs

can you believe when par was 10 and 11 a few months ago we would see the runup to $$ 14 as I advised those many months back. Congrats to those who got on board

yes i plan to continue to deliver the golden info that made the buyout thread with 68k views the most popular thread BY FAR in the history of PRX and the nascobal thread will rival that one soon

note the silence from the one detractor as he stopped posting his claims, lies, distortions, etc here and there as his lies and scare tactics have been put to bed as he concentrates full time in texas on panhandling to support his degenerate lifestyle

Obama will be good for the generic players in 2009 and beyond

(((((((((((((DOUBLE DOWN HEAVEN)))))))))))))))))

Wow!! Pee comes out of hiding and takes credit when everything is good, but has never once shown any class when there's a downturn. All that poster asked you to do was explain why you went from $15 to $14 and settled at $13.76. But you chose to speak in riddles and call him a fraud in an effort to detract from the fact you have no basis for your predictions. I usually just read the posts, typically laughing at your immaturity. Whether it's you proving that you have no knowledge when faced with a direct question or applauding yourself with anonymous posts, you have shown to all of us how sad your existence must really be.

I told you many times the strong q1 results esp metoprolol mecz and suma sales would propel par from 10 to 14 . i was quite clear with buy with both fists double down etc for the simple minded like you

remember last fall nov 2008 i told you all about stumbles from par competitors on toprol production problems

recently i posted about risperdal which hit today and the "ta" for tramadol many weeks ago

too bad some do not understand ta so blame that on PC and not me for your confusion

bottom line i did quite well and goto bed in full knowledge i tried to help you all from your own destructive habits

sorry you blew it once again and again

Wow!! Pee comes out of hiding and takes credit when everything is good, but has never once shown any class when there's a downturn. All that poster asked you to do was explain why you went from $15 to $14 and settled at $13.76. But you chose to speak in riddles and call him a fraud in an effort to detract from the fact you have no basis for your predictions. I usually just read the posts, typically laughing at your immaturity. Whether it's you proving that you have no knowledge when faced with a direct question or applauding yourself with anonymous posts, you have shown to all of us how sad your existence must really be.


I told you many times the strong q1 results esp metoprolol mecz and suma sales would propel par from 10 to 14 . i was quite clear with buy with both fists double down etc for the simple minded like you

remember last fall nov 2008 i told you all about stumbles from par competitors on toprol production problems

recently i posted about risperdal which hit today and the "ta" for tramadol many weeks ago

too bad some do not understand ta so blame that on PC and not me for your confusion

bottom line i did quite well and goto bed in full knowledge i tried to help you all from your own destructive habits

sorry you blew it once again and again

You are so right as always