My Time at Kaleo.....

Former rep here, and I agree with much that has been posted about kaleo. Did not know about price jump though. I left of my own choice due to the manager's lies, unethical detailing, screaming at me and demanding that work/life balance was a myth for a quality sales rep. Then went on a tirade about his own obsessive work habits. When I submitted my resignation letter he simply said he couldn't believe it, no one quits such a great job and company.

I ran across my old kaleo business card and wanted to check in. Yes, the culture was driven. My manager screamed at me, and I had the second best record for the district at the time. One day I took him back to the hotel at lunch and demanded he leave MY car. The next time he rode with me I asked if he would agree to three nights a week in a hotel rather than four or five. He laughed. We had picked up five sales before lunch, and this person was complaining that I didn't do more. I had my resignation letter in my pocket. Gave it to him and then gave him the phone number for the local cabbie. Best day of my life. After 16 years of President's Club and Trainer level service to large and small pharma, this was the day I left the industry for good. May they all be judged for their greed.

all I can say is amen! Who wants to get in on a class action??

I do. The company's management is horrendous. No severance, no bonus, no vacation pay. Even if you exceeded your goal the last quarter, they will immediately put you on an impossible PIP the beginning of the next quarter. Does not make sense .

Worst mistake of my career coming to this company. It is pretty bad when you are on an interview and your perspective new boss knows all about the DOJ investigations of this company! It is embarassing! Stupidest fucking job ever!! I hope they burn.......just like all the reps they burned......Karma is a bitch!!

Worst mistake of my career coming to this company. It is pretty bad when you are on an interview and your perspective new boss knows all about the DOJ investigations of this company! It is embarassing! Stupidest fucking job ever!! I hope they burn.......just like all the reps they burned......Karma is a bitch!!

DOJ investigations as in plural? Please do tell more details.