My Love Letter to Amgen

Sales people talk about culture and they aren't even at the home office. You don't even know the Amgen culture. You just have your own unique sales culture that varies. And by the way, why is it mostly sales people bitching on this forum. Always about culture. This vague undefined term that I've never understood st any company I've been to and I've been to many. The job market is great right now. If you're such good caliber salespeople then go somewhere else...really simple. If I hated Amgen I'd leave. Why is this difficult. And stop talking about the glory days of Amgen like any of you were actually here. The number of people that were here 20+ years ago are few and far between and the entire industry was a different animal.

“I’ve never understood at any company I’ve been too and I’ve been to many”

You are stupid, clearly you have been to many jobs because you’re right, you don’t understand! Apparently you keep failing to understand maybe you’ll understand at your next company.

“I’ve never understood at any company I’ve been too and I’ve been to many”

You are stupid, clearly you have been to many jobs because you’re right, you don’t understand! Apparently you keep failing to understand maybe you’ll understand at your next company.

Whatever you say. Keep up the personal attacks. That is what seems to work well around here. Well done. I'm really happy today so I really don't care what you think. Big news at Amgen

That's reasonable...but I just get annoyed when people imply that their experience is all of Amgen. Or that it's everyone else to blame but them. By definition some people have to be the lower performers...are some of you just not realizing that? Or in denial? Just a possibility...

I cannot imagine everyone in sales is unhappy. I'm willing to bet just the people in sales who aren't happy come here. Otherwise there'd be a lot more people here. It's like the analogy of who shows up on yelp reviews. Just people really happy or really upset. This is certainly not a representative sample of all sales.

And if I hear one more person talk about the glory days I'll vomit. That's such an asinine comment for more reasons than I can count.

And every time I mention any logical argument to anyone in sales their counter is adolescent level attacks. It's really pathetic. No wonder you are all a joke. You can't even come back with logical arguments. You resort to foul language, talking shit about my apparent family, throwing all sorts of unsubstantiated insults, and doing everything you can to avoid the actual topic we're debating because you have no good rebuttal.

Stop whining, none of your text adds any value or purpose