My experience as a psr

Wow. Thank you for your snide comment! You just saved me the trouble of giving this company's job offer any further consideration.
Please don't decide whether you want to be a psr based off of some idiot on cafe pharma. The TM in your area will be who you would deal with. Its a great side gig for extra money or if you only need a part time job. The income is not guaranteed but its great money for the time spent.

I was trained as a psr a couple years ago. I was told at the time I could work as much or as little as I wanted. So I quit my job. Less than a year in my fits were cut in half w/o notice. When I asked my tm said he couldn't tell me why but would try to fix it. Soon after I was told by my ac I wasn't allowed to work more than 15 fits a month. No explanation, no apology for cutting my yearly pay by $20k in a single phone call. Nothing.

I would like to say this was the only problem. This is just the tip of the ice burg. Several times a month:

-I was sent to the wrong service address. When I asked about being reimbursed for my time, I was told it was part of the job to go to the wrong place sometimes. Really, an hour and a half of my time is not worth anything?
-I was sent incomplete systems or broken parts. When I couldn't then complete the fit, my pay was docked as an incomplete fit despite the fact that it was not my fault. (Where else does someone else's mistakes come out of your paycheck?) Adding insult to injury, i was told to ship the equipment back and I wouldn't be compensated for that time either.
- I was told my paperwork wasn't received, even though I had confirmations that it was. When I was finally able to prove that they were wrong, my pay was delayed an additional pay cycle. This left me short on bills a couple times.

This is just a list of zoll errors. This doesn't even include struggles in the job. The days waiting on end to fit a patient that falls through at the last minute, the vendor fees of $500/year that was not reimbursed, the parking fees/tolls/DME fees, the driving all the way to a fit only to encounter a patient problem that delays the fit, then having to drive all the way home with no compensation. My favorites are when after spending twice the normal time with a patient to convince them to wear it, they finally refuse and my pay is cut for being incomplete.

All these posts talk about tm problems with zoll. Let me tell you they aren't the only ones. I've never been so disrespected and disregarded as a team member in my whole life. My tm was nice, but in the same boat. I'm out of here. Let them take advantage of someone else.

I’d like to reply that I feel your pain.... but you have 7 years worth of identical threads. Next time do your homework. BTW who quits a job to do part time work with no Benes? Go back to the nursing home.

i love being a PSR!!!!

You obviously are married or related to the AD, RM, TM, or SSR. Some AD’s had their wife and kids as PSR’s, and they did not have clinical experience! Lied on application, slid right through the approval process.
Or, if you are really smart, you hire your NP’s wife/husband/kid/Mom etc. and the fittings flow to the family, right Barry, Byron? Some bad things with relatives going on in TX!

Majority of PSRs are MAs/Techs and in some cases the secretary working at "Dr. Smith's" office. Your job = ID patients (which 99% fail to do). The compensation ZOLL pays you to fit is probably more than you'd ever see working full time in an office. Be grateful - don't be foolish & quit your job to be a full-time contractor. Do I feel bad for you? No... ZOLL threw you a bone.

Truth - your replaceable and ZOLL could care less about your happiness. You want to quit? Go ahead... They'll start another PSR "class" and get more warm bodies - tis the ZOLL way.

You think 15 fittings a month is rough? Just wait... soon ZOLL will cap your follow ups. What can you do? NOTHING...

Seeing how many Zoll reps couldn’t cut it as pharma reps, it is understandable as to why you are salty. Stay class my friend.

You obviously are married or related to the AD, RM, TM, or SSR. Some AD’s had their wife and kids as PSR’s, and they did not have clinical experience! Lied on application, slid right through the approval process.
Or, if you are really smart, you hire your NP’s wife/husband/kid/Mom etc. and the fittings flow to the family, right Barry, Byron? Some bad things with relatives going on in TX!

What’s wrong with the way business is conducted in Texas? Are customers kin unable to be employed in Medical Devices?!? You are a bigot

What’s wrong with the way business is conducted in Texas? Are customers kin unable to be employed in Medical Devices?!? You are a bigot

psr’s need to get together and sue zzoll for lost benefits. That’s why they only allow certain # of fits. If you banned together in a class action lawsuit, zoll would have to go backwards and pay for benefits, vacation time. they are screwing you right now. Get smart. sue them. you will win. Ask a lawyer.