My Dinner With GG

I liked Slarty Bartfast - funnier than hell.

And we had some red hot women - oooh wee! The semen was flowing in chat.

Hey GG, glad to read that you're ok and have bounced back from your horrendous ordeal!

Congrats on your new job, too. I'm in the same kind of deal, still in healthcare, still in "sales" but OUT of pharma. Thrilled to be out of the pharma game. Congrats to you!

I miss the fun days of CP too. Hope all of the old timer posters are doing well. By old timer I mean "veteran," not old aged!
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At the rate we're going (job changes and retirees) maybe we'll have a 'Survivors' thread one of these days.

I have dined with GG, the hubby and Wonka.....same night. I think Wonka was there. I've met him so many times, I disremember.....GG is a delight... Got to proof her book too. Great writer.......

  • Wonka   Dec 21, 2014 at 01:01: PM
Can't remember why, but I couldn't stay long that night, had to be somewhere. Shit that's been a long time ago. Before I STARTED nursing school and I graduated 2.5 years ago.
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