My bosses boss is an idiot

How she is still around blows my mind. I have never in my career experienced a more bizarre place. I collect a pay check and take care of my customers. We get no direction and I'm ok with it.

NC needs to go. How many more times can we tell you? She doesn't understand the business. She doesn't know my customers. Address the issue and stop avoiding the problem inside.
By the sounds of the Conference call today. It seems like the entire home office is a mess.

NC is way, way, better than the two E and W directors that we had before. Please explain one thing that CS or TL did? At least NC is out there working and meeting with key customers and cares and is trying .

That's NC making the statement that she is better than TL & CS. She's only in the field so she can take free trips to visit her friends and family and rack up miles. Maybe if her coward abms speak up about her lack of knowledge, leadership, common sense, etc someone might do something about her. The former directors were actually directors - professionals who knew the business & were respected by their team. Can we say the same about you NC? I think not. Hung may have put you in that spot but remember the others who he also appointed positions - RS, PM, CC, JR.

Tom and Chris did not even want Nancy around when they were Directors. Back when Medivation was a great company she was doing exactly what she is currently doing - nothing