My Boss Told Me to Clean My Car!

Whether or not your DM is a douche, have some pride and show some professionalism at least. You are conducting business in a professional setting. Who gives a damn what you do in your spare time but have the decency to clean your car. It shows lack of respect and courtesy. In todays job environment, nows not a time to stand your ground to prove a point, even if your point is dead wrong, which it is. The easiest job in the world, excellent pay and benefits, and the biggest whiners there is. I guess your not pharma is you dont have anything to bitch about. Pay for car washes....geez. Ask the other Medical sales reps about car washes. Embarrassing.

I have a right to live in filth if I want to. So my kids stepped on a few ketchup packets and rubbed boogers on the seats. It my car! That's none of their damn business.

Absolutely. It's your right. You have the right to be a slob and have total disregard to professional courtesy, and we have the right to call you a slob because it is our opinion and it is also fact. Congratulations, slob. Get a clue.