My Boss Told Me to Clean My Car!


He said it was filthy and that I either need to clean it or stop hauling my baby and kids around in it. I don't think he has the right to tell me what to do with my car. I can keep it filthy if I want.


He said it was filthy and that I either need to clean it or stop hauling my baby and kids around in it. I don't think he has the right to tell me what to do with my car. I can keep it filthy if I want.

do you own the car? then he does have the's company property. quit being a spoiled brat. you get a car for next to nothing and you can't keep it clean?? pretty pathetic.

He said it was filthy and that I either need to clean it or stop hauling my baby and kids around in it. I don't think he has the right to tell me what to do with my car. I can keep it filthy if I want.

it's company property dummy. You rent it via payroll deduction.

You wanna live like a slop slob buy your own car and go the reimbursement route.

My DM told me that I have one week to get my car clean or he will write me up as a slob. I bellieve he really will do it. I told him I am a working mom and I do not have time.

My DM told me that I have one week to get my car clean or he will write me up as a slob. I bellieve he really will do it. I told him I am a working mom and I do not have time.

You can be held responsible for damages. There is a policy on upkeep and appearance on the fleet website. If you are a lazy slob your dm has every right to write u up on destruction of company property.

My DM told me that I have one week to get my car clean or he will write me up as a slob. I bellieve he really will do it. I told him I am a working mom and I do not have time.

I am a working dad and I keep mine clean. I also shine my shoes, iron my shirts, and brush my teeth. It is called self respect. He should write you up.

You need to learn better parenting skills. Don't allow your kid to be a booger eating moron. They should not spill crap everywhere. They should clean up after themselves. My guess is that you suck as a rep too due to the same pattern of sorriness and neglect.

My boss told me the same things four field rides ago. I haven't done one thing about it and neither has he. In fact, I now make sure to leave some fruit pie wrappers and crumbs in his seat just so he will have to move them.

Stop whinning.It is your responsibility to keep your vehicle tidy and neat.You signed up for this when you started. Have some pride. I am no fan of Pfizer, however, it is these reps who have ruined the reputation we once had.

My DM told me to clean my car on the last field ride too.
I don't have a company car. It's mine. It's sloppy. It's driven by my husband, my two teenagers & me for work.
Her point was that I have a responsibility to keep a professional appearance.
My point....mgt should think through decisions before making them policy.

If I were your manager, I'd give you a choice of either getting your car cleaned up or put on probation. You represent Pfizer and how you dress and present yourself to the public is impoortant. If you can't at least have a clean car, then look for aother job. You make enough money to afford a car wash. Act like at adult who has a professional job. If you dont't like it, then find another job.