Lots of folks (mostly S-P) notified in November and out officially after January 1. Merck plays musical chairs very frequently in all areas and at all levels. In fact plays so frequently that re-org layoffs have become like any other seasonal event.
No young person with half a brain would come here and believe that they would be retiring from Merck. Working at Merck is like getting a holiday from looking for work. One will stop for a little bit but pretty soon one will begin again. If someone is clever or lucky they can enhance their resume while they are here. But never should they be so silly as to think that staying a long time is optimal for their career.
Youthfulness is another word for having options.
Bring older is now another word for you're out of luck......
....unless of course, you have a sweet 10-30 years in. For them some safety and assurance for the road.