Linvatec has one of the weakest reputations in the nation in regards to sports medicine, while MTF has the strongest name in the Allograft industry, especially for sports med tissue. This deal will benefit Linvatec much more than it will ever benefit MTF. MTF should've partnered with a stronger player in sports.

MTF, was a once great company with excellent people. Lazy management has made error after error and now they are in serious trouble. Processing mistakes, law suits and a failed Sports Medicine division has left MTF in irreparable despair

MTF is broke and burdened with massive back orders. New partnerships are counterintuitive bad deals made out of financial desperation. Most of our top talent left years ago and top management is in some type of working retirement.

The world's best tissue processor is near its end. Look for them to terminate their sales force and then try and sell off whatever is left.

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