MSL Society - Boston Meeting

MSLS is not NON - for profit. I heard they are being investigated for fraud bc all of the money goes to Sam Dyer and his wife Heliana.

they are a fraud....

warning do not use them.

MSL Society, ACMA and all of the other non-BPS (Board of Pharmaceutical Specialties) certifications are worthless. They want several thousand dollars and promise employment in medical affairs positions to losers who don't have licenses or are on the verge of losing them. Some idiot keeps yapping that "many companies are requiring" the BCMAS, problem is the putz is too chickenshit to list which companies he/she asserts are requiring that waste of cash.

As for MSL society, run by a lying jerk and his wife.

so you hate ACMA and MSLS. im sure you hate MAPS too....if not then we know who you the real question is that we now MAPS is a scam and the guy running it is lets just say not the sharpest tool in the shed. what do you think of it.

Pfizer now requires BCMAS
MSL Society, ACMA and all of the other non-BPS (Board of Pharmaceutical Specialties) certifications are worthless. They want several thousand dollars and promise employment in medical affairs positions to losers who don't have licenses or are on the verge of losing them. Some idiot keeps yapping that "many companies are requiring" the BCMAS, problem is the putz is too chickenshit to list which companies he/she asserts are requiring that waste of cash.

As for MSL society, run by a lying jerk and his wife.

Look, if you want to give your money to this group (or MAPS or BCMAS or whatever) feel free. You won’t be told anything that is wrong. But, you also won’t gain a single thing from it. It gives you no benefit or advantage. If you’re new to industry go earn some street cred at a “rent a MSL” group. Then, a small company will be interested. After that then you may have a chance at big pharma.
Now I will say this, I have seen Sam and Billy’s CV’s. Everything they say is kinda true, but as a hiring manager, I wouldn’t touch either of them. They are massive train wrecks.

Look, if you want to give your money to this group (or MAPS or BCMAS or whatever) feel free. You won’t be told anything that is wrong. But, you also won’t gain a single thing from it. It gives you no benefit or advantage. If you’re new to industry go earn some street cred at a “rent a MSL” group. Then, a small company will be interested. After that then you may have a chance at big pharma.
Now I will say this, I have seen Sam and Billy’s CV’s. Everything they say is kinda true, but as a hiring manager, I wouldn’t touch either of them. They are massive train wrecks.
Both are spineless bottom feeders out to make a quick buck.

Both are spineless bottom feeders out to make a quick buck.

Clown society that wants to boost pharmacists and non-doctors to the level of an MD. Same goes with the PA and fancy NP titles. If you want to play in the big league, then you have to do the time and become a real doctor. Not a PhD, not a PA, not an NP, not even a DO. Get the real degree from the USA and then become condescending and arrogant.