MS Reps - Mass Exodus Coming Soon

So glad they took some dead weight off our hands. It's about time CG left to go torture others. Now we can breathe. Good luck Genzyme with that WITCH. Nightmare to say the least just google her and see what lawsuits come up!!

"soon" defined is August. Wake up manager posting the question, you are about to lose some excellent underpaid reps. Teva's only hope is increasing salaries across the board about 20% not bu!!shitting reps with bonus increases which will never be seen by majority of reps.

"soon" defined is August. Wake up manager posting the question, you are about to lose some excellent underpaid reps. Teva's only hope is increasing salaries across the board about 20% not bu!!shitting reps with bonus increases which will never be seen by majority of reps.

As a rep in a smaller market, I make more money than 90% of the people who live in my town. Im all about getting fair market value for my employment, but geez, it seems pretty petty to bitch about a six figure salary and then making even more--sometimes nearly as much-- in bonus. Plus a free car and insurance, hello! I have worked in other industries, and all this bitching makes us come across like whiny divas. I see why people hate drug reps. Go to another company if you need to, but quit acting like a spoiled brat.

As a rep in a smaller market, I make more money than 90% of the people who live in my town. Im all about getting fair market value for my employment, but geez, it seems pretty petty to bitch about a six figure salary and then making even more--sometimes nearly as much-- in bonus. Plus a free car and insurance, hello! I have worked in other industries, and all this bitching makes us come across like whiny divas. I see why people hate drug reps. Go to another company if you need to, but quit acting like a spoiled brat.

I don't think the last poster was doing any bitching...just saying that if Teva wants to keep their people, they need to be competitive with salaries. I don't think it is greedy to go after the best deal for yourself that you can get. If another company with similar products is willing to pay your more for your services, then it is a good idea.

"soon" defined is August. Wake up manager posting the question, you are about to lose some excellent underpaid reps. Teva's only hope is increasing salaries across the board about 20% not bu!!shitting reps with bonus increases which will never be seen by majority of reps.

You are being a little sensitive here...not a manager that posted. I am a rep and am not doubting that the exodus will come or being cynical. I just want to know when it is coming since it was said that it would happen "soon" back in April and I haven't seen it yet. mellow out.

To answer your question I will be interviewing on Monday in Chicago. Most of the interviews will happen this week in etiher Chicago or San Diego. All the interviews will happen by Wed. So the real question is how will the managers act when the reps have to take a vacation date to interview?

Hope this answers your question about when the Mass exodus is coming

"soon" defined is August. Wake up manager posting the question, you are about to lose some excellent underpaid reps. Teva's only hope is increasing salaries across the board about 20% not bu!!shitting reps with bonus increases which will never be seen by majority of reps.

Do you actually believe that a 20% salary increase would stop a rep that is leaving from changing their mind if they would probably get that type of increase from their new company? Not to mention the fact that they would have the opportunity to launch new products if it is Biogen or Genzyme? It would just be throwing money away to reps that would have stayed anyways.
The way to get people to stay is to give them some hope that this company will have a future direction beyond what we have now. A 20% raise doesn't alleviate the notion that layoffs will come or we will be spinning our wheels while the company decides what to do.

As a rep in a smaller market, I make more money than 90% of the people who live in my town. Im all about getting fair market value for my employment, but geez, it seems pretty petty to bitch about a six figure salary and then making even more--sometimes nearly as much-- in bonus. Plus a free car and insurance, hello! I have worked in other industries, and all this bitching makes us come across like whiny divas. I see why people hate drug reps. Go to another company if you need to, but quit acting like a spoiled brat.

I'm also a rep. Finally a smart comment. Has anyone heard of all the layoffs in pharma and how reps can't find jobs? Sure exp is nice but most of you at Teva had no experience selling ms drugs and you have moved on to wIn PC club at Teva. The truth is any reP with good relationship building skills, business sense and quick learning skills can do the job. You all act like Prima donnas. If I were Teva I would let all you idiots go.

I'm also a rep. Finally a smart comment. Has anyone heard of all the layoffs in pharma and how reps can't find jobs? Sure exp is nice but most of you at Teva had no experience selling ms drugs and you have moved on to wIn PC club at Teva. The truth is any reP with good relationship building skills, business sense and quick learning skills can do the job. You all act like Prima donnas. If I were Teva I would let all you idiots go.

I also live in a smaller community but I am not going to feel bad about looking at another company that is going to pay me more money. Is it complaining or whining to wonder why Teva doesn't want to consider stepping up and matching what other companies are paying now to do a similar job.
I agree that people shouldn't complain about what they make...I don't think we complain about not making enough. What people are questioning is whether or not Teva will make the effort to match the salaries that Biogen and Genzyme are offering to keep their people.

Agreed. I dont hear any complaining at all. This is going to be a reality check for Teva. The guy that talks about layoffs at Genzyme or Biogen must not have a clue about what is in store at Teva in two short years. Those companies have a pipeline and Teva doesn't.

Genzyme: 2 new MS drugs including oral drug / higher salaries / equal or better bonus

Biogen: 2 current MS drugs / Oral MS drug coming soon / higher salaries / better bonus

Teva: 15 year old MS drug going generic in less than two years / lower salary / unfair bonus

Pipeline? Genzyme and Biogen - yes. Teva - none

Reps are now calling the shots. PDE's and arrogant (lack of) leaders are not.

and what happens to those of us selling nuvigil? provigil becomes very cheap in october, why would a doc write nuvigil then?? this looks like trouble.

I hate to make a bad thing worse...but it is happening before October.

How about August 10?

Also, the issue isn't going to be about the docs wanting to write Nuvigil or not. That is something I can control. It is going to be the managed care companies implementing step edits that require patients to try Provigil first that is going to be the crusher. It is already happening (Tricare, etc.) and this is before the price drops to a lower cost than Nuvigil. I hope you enjoyed selling Amrix because that is happening. I would love to be wrong about this but I don't think I am.

What are the different issues? Do you think that there won't be cns reps leaving for ms sales positions due to the issues facing Nuvigil right now?

Uh dude this thread is about Teva MS Reps leaving for other MS companies. Start your own thread. If you are that dense it must be a pretty easy selling sleep drugs with no competitors.

Uh dude this thread is about Teva MS Reps leaving for other MS companies. Start your own thread. If you are that dense it must be a pretty easy selling sleep drugs with no competitors.

If I do start a new thread it will be about how ridiculous it is that TN reps think they are anything special because they "sell" Copaxone. Maybe 10 years ago reps still sold Copaxone. Once a medication becomes the market leader, it is naive to think that any reps that came on in the past 5-10 years have done much to contribute. From what I have heard, the industry reputation of the Teva MS reps is the bottom of the barrel. I doubt this "mass exodus" of TN reps will occur not because you don't want to leave but simply due to the fact that other MS companies won't hire most of you.
I don't paint all TN reps with the same brush but the ones I have come in contact with are some of the biggest simpletons I have ever seen in this industry with overinflated egos that they haven't earned.
I will be impressed once there is a generic Copaxone available and you are out trying to sell the new dosing regiment and you have to fight PAs and Step Edits to get it covered.
That is what we do now with Nuvigil and it is tough and getting tougher everyday.
Pleases don't think you are hot shit just because your company bought Cephalon. Our reps could outsell you any day of the week because we come from an environment where performance was the measure of success, not programs or frequency.

If I do start a new thread it will be about how ridiculous it is that TN reps think they are anything special because they "sell" Copaxone. Maybe 10 years ago reps still sold Copaxone. Once a medication becomes the market leader, it is naive to think that any reps that came on in the past 5-10 years have done much to contribute. From what I have heard, the industry reputation of the Teva MS reps is the bottom of the barrel. I doubt this "mass exodus" of TN reps will occur not because you don't want to leave but simply due to the fact that other MS companies won't hire most of you.
I don't paint all TN reps with the same brush but the ones I have come in contact with are some of the biggest simpletons I have ever seen in this industry with overinflated egos that they haven't earned.
I will be impressed once there is a generic Copaxone available and you are out trying to sell the new dosing regiment and you have to fight PAs and Step Edits to get it covered.
That is what we do now with Nuvigil and it is tough and getting tougher everyday.
Pleases don't think you are hot shit just because your company bought Cephalon. Our reps could outsell you any day of the week because we come from an environment where performance was the measure of success, not programs or frequency.

Very well stated. I have a great relationship with my CNS counterpart and he is far more talented than 80% of my TN team. There will always be the top and the bottom in any group of sales reps, but TN is mostly AVERAGE. The top reps are usually in a market that also benefits their ability.

WOW! It is so nice to finally see that they care about losing their valued employees. Too bad the way they choose to show it is to sue the company that hired some of us and not by giving us a competitive place to work so we don't leave in the first place.
I always say that competition is good. If the knowledge and skill that Teva has developed in us is that valuable, why are they surprised when people go out and capitalize on it by getting paid the fair market value for our skills and relationships?
I can't speak to this lawsuit and what this one individual did but I would say for the vast majority of us that we didn't need to be solicited by anyone to want to get out of Teva considering that Copaxone will be generic soon and we need to consider our long term security. Contracts are at will. If this guy took money and agreed not to solicit, then he shouldn't have. Most of us don't sign those agreements so this will be an isolated case and very difficult to prove considering that Genzyme hasn't actually profited at all so far by the activity since their products aren't even approved yet.