Ms. I am Fabulous HCV

OK I am confused. If she is so fabulous what is she doing in a very 'has been' division with a product that is certainly near death? Especially closer to death after todays approval of Gilead combo pill. 'Has-been' division!

She has been gone for awhile now, she got promoted to another position. I worked for her her in the past, no problems, and I would work for her again. A lot of you Pegasys people just need to get over it already. I left the franchise a long time ago, like many others, that saw the writing on the wall. You all have been treated more than fairly. Why don't you take a long look in the mirror and you might see what the problem is looking back at you.

Get over it already!

OK I am confused. If she is so fabulous what is she doing in a very 'has been' division with a product that is certainly near death? Especially closer to death after todays approval of Gilead combo pill. 'Has-been' division!

Well the Division was not :"Has Been" for ever. Until fairly recently, it had completely demolished its competition, and until this new class of drugs started hitting the market, and was hands down the market leader. Do you believe that when the division shuts down, that she wont get another leadership position. Clearly, those that are most importatnt think much more highly of her than you. In fact, it is fair to say that If you are in rep, your are at least 4 levels seperated from her and not really in a position to judge. Lets be real!

She has been gone for awhile now, she got promoted to another position. I worked for her her in the past, no problems, and I would work for her again. A lot of you Pegasys people just need to get over it already. I left the franchise a long time ago, like many others, that saw the writing on the wall. You all have been treated more than fairly. Why don't you take a long look in the mirror and you might see what the problem is looking back at you.

Get over it already!

Sounds like JT in Tennessee chiming in, go "F" yourself you shallow douche.

Sorry, Its not her job to ensure that you are "developed", it's yours. Not buying pharmasett is not a decison ,made at her or her predecessors level; it simply is not. Besides, drug development is all a crap shoot, it appears quite obvious that the pharmasett purchase was a steal but that is 20/20 hindsight. At the time, it was looked upon as an extremely risky 12 billion$ gamble. Had their on product not failed in trial (GS 6620), it is unlikely that the purchase would have ever occurred.

There are many HCV drugs that looked just as good as pharmasetts including multiple Roche drugs, that never made it to market. If Pharmasettthough the Sovaldi would make 16 billion its first years on the market, there is no way the company sells for only 12 billion$, No way. In fact, even pre-launch estimates were only 2 billion in 2014. No one expected this.

So,, just remember there is no disgrace is missing on pharmasett or anything else. Drug discovery etc, is very, very, risky. Roche had candidates that looked great, and had no reason to buy pharmasett. Gilead was desperate after their drug failed, and purchsed a company for a replacement. They put a quarter in the slot machin and hit the jackpot. Thats great for them.

Im glad you had your chance to vent...

GP, nice to hear from you. Please don't again, your obnoxious


Since I left HCV, I woke up and realized that GNE is just another place to work for...6th best place to work for...true - but they didn't/don't want me, you and anyone with "roche legacy".
I was just a bit sadden the way everything folded (not surprized, not upset). She said on stage that she will be here until the end... than she run away.
I have a good job now, not a Mac, not a phone nor many of the great perks that GNE gave us, but I'm happy.


Since I left HCV, I woke up and realized that GNE is just another place to work for...6th best place to work for...true - but they didn't/don't want me, you and anyone with "roche legacy".
I was just a bit sadden the way everything folded (not surprized, not upset). She said on stage that she will be here until the end... than she run away.
I have a good job now, not a Mac, not a phone nor many of the great perks that GNE gave us, but I'm happy.

At the end of the day, that's all that matters. I was like you and thought there was greater hope that something else would open up and let me stay there but after numerous interviews and getting to the final cut but not getting the offer, I too knew it was time to move on and it has been decent so far. There is life after GNE and I'll look back on the experience with appreciation for what we did as the Pegasys team and will think little to never about the leaders who used us to feather their beds and land their next big gigs.......I'm not bitter, just wiser from the experience. GP has no positive legacy which she can be credited for and TP was a tad better. The Pegasys legacy was that of the field personnel who carried the torch with pride every day and helped to make sure that each patient who wanted to be treated had access to Pegasys and that each prescriber felt that we had their backs.


Since I left HCV, I woke up and realized that GNE is just another place to work for...6th best place to work for...true - but they didn't/don't want me, you and anyone with "roche legacy".
I was just a bit sadden the way everything folded (not surprized, not upset). She said on stage that she will be here until the end... than she run away.
I have a good job now, not a Mac, not a phone nor many of the great perks that GNE gave us, but I'm happy.

Did you really think she would wait?

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