I agree! What an overinflated, talentless blowhard. Stuck sitting next to him in Vegas and couldn't get away from him fast enough.
You didn’t complain when I let you touch my bum
I agree! What an overinflated, talentless blowhard. Stuck sitting next to him in Vegas and couldn't get away from him fast enough.
You didn’t complain when I let you touch my bum[/QUOTE
Its always about cronyism here at Genentech. It will always be. Get used to it. Who did Scott re-hire?cronyism continues here with SM hiring his old HCV rep back to the company with no neuro experience
Never been part of such a group of brown nosers trying to upstage everyone around them. Crazy culture that I didn’t sign up for. The most “look at me” bunch I have ever been around. Popularity contest for team leads based on kissing up to managers instead of utilizing true talent.
Its always about cronyism here at Genentech. It will always be. Get used to it. Who did Scott re-hire?
Thats because he developed solid MS connections while at Dova. Oh, wait a minute, never mind.Troy “I Jump Around for a better gig” K
Agree. Yeah, the culture needs to change from this ‘perpetual interview’. It’s plain dumb. People just want to go to work, to work. Not come up with fake persona to match their work persona. Be fake friends to phony people who care less whether you lived or died after work. Gene has a stupid phony culture.
This message about fake personas and phony culture brought to you by Anonymous. Anonymous would tell you the same thing with their real name attached, no fake.
Not true, me and all my friends here are big Trump supporters. That's as American as you can get. MAGA!!!
I agree! What an overinflated, talentless blowhard. Stuck sitting next to him in Vegas and couldn't get away from him fast enough.
You mean the mercenaries that came over and were more protective of their relationship with the doc, that they tossed their partners and company under the bus. Good effin riddance. Take Jones and the Biogen boys with you. Fantastic drug. Wonder how well it could of done with more selling and less bitching.
managing up is the GENE way. They get it!Jones and the Biogen boys are snakes. They manage up well but do not be fooled just because they’re fun at the bar. Toxic culture. People are afraid to speak up because they’ve seen what happens after. Would have gladly retired here but glad I left.