People like her have no idea what it is like to have to work hard for everything and still have a hard time making ends meet. She has no idea what it is like to be struggling and on top of that to lose tens of thousands of dollars in a stock fraud. She is a person who is offered jobs that have paid her millions of dollars. She didn't have to pound the pavement for board positions. She didn't earn those positions through hard work and talent. As soon as her husband became powerful she was offered these positions and like an animal she took them as if she earned them. The most disgusting part of all is that she proved what everyone was saying all along about being overboarded and being a weak board member and just doing this for the money. It is only when the crimes hit the fan are these animals exposed. This is one of those rare instances and she has been exposed for the morally bankrupt person that she is. If she had any semblance of remorse she would quit all her board positions immediately and live in the real world and volunteer in a soup kitchen or something. She won't. These people never take responsibility until and unless they are forced to by going to prison.
Well said my friend. Well said.