I have never logged on here before today, but most of you sound very sour. I have been in the pharmaceutical business for 35 years and have never been around such negativity. You remind me of progressive democrats who have no clue where capital comes from. First of all, if it weren't for the field sales force selling the products in our bag you guys wouldn't have a job. What's changing our industry is the whole progressive movement toward socialized medical care. The pharmaceutical industry has long been the goose that lays the golden egg. Free markets provide the R&D necessary to make the whole process profitable. When tough times occur decisions have to made to cut costs. Get over it jobs will be cut at Merck and through out the industry until we get rid of this progressive plague destroying our free market economy.

If it progressive policies, then why oh why do all the major pharmas make money in the socialized medicine countries in Europe.

You're a putz. You speak out of one side of your mouth and then the other.

Capitalisim/Free Enterprise/Free markets are the reason the jobs are moving overseas. You're right-this is all about profitability. When CEOs and BOD can find cheaper labor in another market, they will move the jobs there.

But, then again, since they can now use contract sales reps-which lowers the cost-I'm sure you will be first in line to apply for the job at a reduced salary.

The previous comment is exactly what I was writing about, always negative. The negative comments are indicative of a real behavioral pathology, liberalism is a mental disease.

Look at the language you're using. When you can't make a credible point you use slang and negative language. If you can't make it in this industry why not quit. A person of your talent should be able to make it anywhere, "New York New York". Give yourself a break find a new career. Try being less negative, you'll feel much better.

If it progressive policies, then why oh why do all the major pharmas make money in the socialized medicine countries in Europe.

You're a putz. You speak out of one side of your mouth and then the other.

Capitalisim/Free Enterprise/Free markets are the reason the jobs are moving overseas. You're right-this is all about profitability. When CEOs and BOD can find cheaper labor in another market, they will move the jobs there.

But, then again, since they can now use contract sales reps-which lowers the cost-I'm sure you will be first in line to apply for the job at a reduced salary.

Capitalism exists in the form of producing in and supplying to countries populated by real people that need real jobs to become real consumers. Should the jobs dry up in the corporate zeal for maximizing profits, the consumers in those wealthy environments will also disappear. And impoverished ex-workers still get to vote for government-applied corporate governance - even in the traditionally apathetic USA. A lose-lose cycle of unemployment, governmental involvement, and consequent market protection restrictions can result. So, as of today, you are right and individual corporations can decide to do what you suggest. But collectively they risk a backlash. For an industry such as pharmaceuticals that has done so well with American talent, has profited so richly from American markets, and actually utilizes a low cost of labor relative to revenue or profits, chasing after the temporary and often illusive dream of Asian outsourcing will be, in the long-term, foolish. Capitalists have always been unable to resist going too far and have always been returned to a better balance between people and their jobs and the top 1% and their profits. Unfortunately, is often takes a protracted economic retraction to spur the correction. Will the outsourcing decisions Merck and others makes today be considered wise in the light of the economic reality 10 years from now? It seems to me that Merck along with many other wealthy corporations are planning on cooking their fat goose today and care little for its potential for golden eggs. So old-fashioned such a concept is. Banks have finally realized that although they can make a short-term profit when corporate profitability soars, at the end of the day they need a healthy consumer segment to stay healthy. They are now zombie banks - unable to fail but unable to grow either. And unable to please capitalists. Yet the very capitalists created those banks' excesses. Zombie employment begets zombie corporate performance. A bit of a chicken and egg story. America, on average, has actually outsourced 100% of any newly created outsource-able jobs whose need arose during the last 11 years. It now has embarked on going after such jobs that were created prior to 2000. Many of these jobs are good-paying jobs, leaving such untrade-able professions as pizza delivery in their wake. How many pharmaceuticals are going to get sold to a nation with a household income 3/4 (or less) of what it is today? Is sending work to Asia going to create the economic reality of Asia right here in the US? Will the minimum wage in the US move towards the relatively generous $6-$10 (per day) that labor aspires to in Asia. Even the Tea Party nut cases might request government intervention then. And try to swallow one or two of Mercks $3 pills on that salary.

If Merck is in dire straits due to its labor costs, they might keep morale at a serviceable level by implementing an across-the-board salary cut and a severe salary cap for its leading parasites. Claiming poverty and moving work off-shore while filling its top ranks' pockets no longer rings true with its at-risk work force. But the fact is that Merck is not in dire straits due to its labor costs. They are in dire straits due to their greedy, failed leadership.

I have never logged on here before today, but most of you sound very sour. I have been in the pharmaceutical business for 35 years and have never been around such negativity. You remind me of progressive democrats who have no clue where capital comes from. First of all, if it weren't for the field sales force selling the products in our bag you guys wouldn't have a job. What's changing our industry is the whole progressive movement toward socialized medical care. The pharmaceutical industry has long been the goose that lays the golden egg. Free markets provide the R&D necessary to make the whole process profitable. When tough times occur decisions have to made to cut costs. Get over it jobs will be cut at Merck and through out the industry until we get rid of this progressive plague destroying our free market economy.

I beg to differ...the progressive plague that is destroying our free market economy are these greedy Corporate Comanies, like Merck, Verizon, GE etc...who's only concern is who making money off the backs of their employees, outsource the rest, then lay them off before they hit 50, in order to make sure their CEO's stay fat and happy.