MoxDuo news?

What does it all mean?

Im guessing it's not good based on that letter.

This is only an assumption, but it looks like they are trying to prevent trading based on insider information.

If the result of the FDA review is negative for moxduo, whether restricted label or not approved at all in the u.s., that would have a great impact on stock value, and general perception of the drug already being used in Australia.

The stock was placed into a trading halt after the market closed on Monday 25 June, as the company wanted a full day to digest the FDA decision. It will start trading again in two hours time; so therefore an announcemnt is very close.
I am hoping that why the FDA has not published anything on their website is that they cant until the company has made the announcement to the market - I HOPE?

I think the way Ventiv went about this whole hiring process was ALL wrong. you dont lead people on this path.. they should have WAITED for approval THEN hired the sales team. Now we are all starting over in our job searches. great

I think the way Ventiv went about this whole hiring process was ALL wrong. you dont lead people on this path.. they should have WAITED for approval THEN hired the sales team. Now we are all starting over in our job searches. great

I guess now you are just like the rest of us who God was looking after and had us not interview well that day for whatever reason. Maybe it was just not meant to be, get over it!

whah whah quit blaming everyone but self. you should always have plan B or C in this industry and if you put all ur egss in 1 basket you should realize the risks involved. Ventiv Health gave you an opportunity and flew you twice. its unfortunate FDA didn't approve and thats LIFE!

I think the way Ventiv went about this whole hiring process was ALL wrong. you dont lead people on this path.. they should have WAITED for approval THEN hired the sales team. Now we are all starting over in our job searches. great

I think we can all agree that this is an unfortunate situation, but how can you legitimately complain when everything they told us along the way was "pending FDA approval."

They didn't mislead any of us. We all knew the risks and we all put ourselves out there because it really sounded like a great opportunity. They were upfront. We knew the drug wasn't approved. We all know, I would hope, that the FDA has gotten tougher and tougher over the years. When I saw that they filed approval as a 505b a red flag went up right away... Yet I kept hoping.

I understand that you are upset... So am I. But you can't honestly point fingers and blame InVentiv for the hiring process. Everything was dependent on the approval. We knew that. They made the right business decision by trying to hire before approval so they were ready to launch as soon as possible... That makes business sense.

It is unfortunate. I don't have other leads at this point, but I was well aware of the risk associated with this contract when I started interviewing... It was my choice and it was your choice too.

Keep your head up!

Poster # 34 well said. We all did know the risks; we felt strongly it would be approved. I have continued to fill our applications but there is not much out there right now. Something will come along for each of us and all things will work out for the best.We just have to move forward and not dwell on what was not meant to be at this time. Good luck to each of the 70+ reps that had acccepted positions.

This is poster 34.

Thanks for the kind words.

I, too, am going out of my mind with frustration and boredom and just trying to keep my head up. There really isn't much out there and these are tough times.

Sending lots of luck to all of us that were supposed to be on this contract.

Just another bump in the road... We will get over it. But I can tell you... I'm getting tired of the bumps.

Thanks again guys!