MoxDuo news?

Nothing. Strange. Don't get it.

The decision was expected late this afternoon, so I'm hoping that it came late enough in the afternoon that they couldn't meet press deadlines.

The FDA's web page is only updated through June 22nd, so clearly there is a lapse in receiving information.

Heard that approval was favorable, but indications may be more limited than expected

A present employee states that there is a conference call tomorrow morning at 10 am edt; it was suppose to be today but was pushed back.. I dont know if anything can be read from this or not, but I think most people are feeling a little uneasy about the possible outcome.

Narcotics are huge concern with abuse and moxduo ir needed to show a significant benefit over morphine. FDA may not agree benefit outweighs risk for more abuse. Finals words from biomedreports: Since QRx is highly dependent on MoxDuo, I expect that the FDA decision regarding MoxDuo IR will have tremendous impact on the price of shares. A clean approval could cause shares to continue another leg in their multi-year rally, perhaps going as high as $3/share. On the other hand, a rejection could bring up fears over the true efficacy of the viability morphine/oxycodone and spark a major selloff which could send shares into a ditch for a quite some time. So, for the most part, QRXPY is simply a high-stakes gamble in the FDA’s decision on June 25th.

I hope people on here realize that a lot of people and their families are counting on this drug getting approved and starting rumors that it is approved and it really isn't is just mean!!