Moving on up


Just a stroll down memory lane. The nightmare ended 2 1/2 years ago but just can't resist taking a peak at Auriga on Cafepharma. Landed on my feet in Pharma and actually make a paycheck now. I hope some of my fellow employees have made it as well. I look at my experience at Auriga now as a very expensive non paying internship.

I was just thinking about Auriga today for some reason. I hadn't thought of it in a long while and I was wondering where everyone was. I was surprised at some of the people in my training class. We had a mix of just about everyone. I wish I was still in touch with some of them. One of my Auriga classmates ended up in the same company as me. I actually had a good time at the training class. Hope everyone landed on their feet.

I've never seen as big a group of dumb people. Don't use Auriga as a reference on your resume, it tells potential employers that you are dumb and don't have the sense God gave a nat. I can't believe anyone would go to work for someone like that. You must be really dumb!

Just a stroll down memory lane. The nightmare ended 2 1/2 years ago but just can't resist taking a peak at Auriga on Cafepharma. Landed on my feet in Pharma and actually make a paycheck now. I hope some of my fellow employees have made it as well. I look at my experience at Auriga now as a very expensive non paying internship.

Who remembers!!!? This hilarious shit...! Remember pizza guy? Or the guy who said he saves time by driving the dump truck to offices from his 2nd job...? Lolll I can't make this sh!!t up