Mounjaro sales force?

PC1 rep here.
The changes & restrictions to the MJ co-pay card are having a major negative impact on my territory.
My HCPs are cutting way back on new prescriptions because the can’t write it for weight loss any more. I’ve had a couple tell me they are concerned about being fraudulent if they write for anything other than T2D now.
I hope I don’t get goals based off of my launch or I won’t get paid… at all.

Boo hoo

The card only states that if insurance doesn't cover the med, use the card as a secondary insurer. My insurance doesn't cover the med, they kick it to a PA (meaning it's not covered) and I tell the pharmacy tech to run the secondary. $25. Is this going to change? I just filled it on 10/19, Walgreens and no problem.

Mounjari is not easily tolerated. My HCPs already have patients calling in throwing their guts up. They are moving them back to OZ because their is more doses to adjust with their pen

Then they are not titrating patient's correctly. I'm not in pharma anymore, just here to read. Mounjaro will destroy the other GLP-1's.

PC1 rep here.
The changes & restrictions to the MJ co-pay card are having a major negative impact on my territory.
My HCPs are cutting way back on new prescriptions because the can’t write it for weight loss any more. I’ve had a couple tell me they are concerned about being fraudulent if they write for anything other than T2D now.
I hope I don’t get goals based off of my launch or I won’t get paid… at all.

So you are annoyed because you can no longer sell and promote label. got it.

Seems systemic. reps in my area are detailing right out of your obesity trials. Biggest payout for anyone at Lilly would be a whistle blower suit, just an idea.

I am on Mounjaro and I switch from Ozempic and the side effects are much better on Mounjaro than Oz.

Hopefully you aren’t depending on birth control.
Keep an eye on symptoms of kidney failure and please make sure thyroid cancer doesn’t run in your family.
Our reps aren’t good at being fair & balanced and telling prescribers of the bad things that can happen