Motivating email

This guy actually thinks getting rid of our best leader is somehow better for us. What a clueless clown. No one wants to be here anymore. Resume updated and time to go.

you are correct everyone wants out of here. He runs a whipping boy mentality. We promoted 30 reps but hey what you don’t know is we got rid of 30 reps and a great leader. A few more months I’ll be out of here can’t wait.

How was the most recent layoff determined? Any one ever hear the truth? The ones I knew were good reps. Some with more weekly scripts compared to most other territories that didn’t get affected! Makes no sense!

Nothing makes sense here. This place is managed by a bunch of amateurs. They pay you strictly off NBRX and admit that their data lacks integrity. Desperation is starting to settle in. All I can say is get out and do it now. This place is burning fast.

Their data isn’t correct. It doesn’t capture all of the NBRX and they admit it. Separation papers mention nothing about performance, in fact they were told the exact opposite. These guys are crooks and have opened themselves up for litigation.

Their data isn’t correct. It doesn’t capture all of the NBRX and they admit it. Separation papers mention nothing about performance, in fact they were told the exact opposite. These guys are crooks and have opened themselves up for litigation.

If they say it wasn't performance, it's actually better for them from a legal standpoint since performance can be (somewhat) demonstrated/quantified.