Motivating email


Nice motivating email from the HEAD. Nothing says kumbaya like referring to the recent layoffs as a “new possibility” to challenge ourselves. I’m sure that some of those let go were just collecting a check but most of them were seasoned reps who just happen to work in tough territories. To my knowledge none of them had been given any written warnings or plans. Unless upper management decides to abandon this current model and let us go back to running our territories as before, there will most likely be more cuts and mass departures.

Nice motivating email from the HEAD. Nothing says kumbaya like referring to the recent layoffs as a “new possibility” to challenge ourselves. I’m sure that some of those let go were just collecting a check but most of them were seasoned reps who just happen to work in tough territories. To my knowledge none of them had been given any written warnings or plans. Unless upper management decides to abandon this current model and let us go back to running our territories as before, there will most likely be more cuts and mass departures.

he needs to go. Many of us already leaving anyway

Nice motivating email from the HEAD. Nothing says kumbaya like referring to the recent layoffs as a “new possibility” to challenge ourselves. I’m sure that some of those let go were just collecting a check but most of them were seasoned reps who just happen to work in tough territories. To my knowledge none of them had been given any written warnings or plans. Unless upper management decides to abandon this current model and let us go back to running our territories as before, there will most likely be more cuts and mass departures.
Kevin the coward strikes again. Takes No accountability but blames all of us. What a coward. He should be ashamed.

Anyone hear what’s being presented at this week’s FLM?

The usual leading by fear and intimidation. Low performers have no place here, nothing is ever good enough, everyone needs to deliver MORE MORE MORE except marketing and any of our leaders, and many people will go on PIPs. Don’t expect to make a bonus this year, our non-target scripts won’t be worth anything. And they will continue to not roll out the IC plan until well after we have already planned our quarter. But don’t worry, the usual suspects will kiss ass and thank their masters for the punishment.

What an ass KC truly is. He showed his true self this week. He hired everyone but takes no responsibility. How does that work? He is a waste of a salary.
Kevin was talking a lot of shit this week about a lot people who he let go. He should just shut his mouth. Better yet, he should just leave. No one trusts him. We are all looking to leave.

Kevin was talking a lot of shit this week about a lot people who he let go. He should just shut his mouth. Better yet, he should just leave. No one trusts him. We are all looking to leave.
So true! What is Kevin actually doing everyday? The guy is just terrible. Ship is sunk time to get out of this shithole. Most of us are looking. Time to double dip.

So true! What is Kevin actually doing everyday? The guy is just terrible. Ship is sunk time to get out of this shithole. Most of us are looking. Time to double dip.
This guy actually thinks getting rid of our best leader is somehow better for us. What a clueless clown. No one wants to be here anymore. Resume updated and time to go.