MOST worthless Interview EVER!!!

Dead on, not a bad place to start if you are trying to get into healthcare, coming from Avis, ADP, or are at the end of your career with a pharmaceutical back ground.

This is a good post and I agree with almost everything, but they are looking for people in the interview process that have documented sales experience. The company is considered to be either entry level or a place for displaced reps. Bottom of the food chain!
As per the posting on medreps they want rankings ect for every yr since college graduation . If you don't have all the info they state to explain why or your resume will not be reviewed. Bottom line I have seen the postings for this company from certain recruiters saying call on top 50 to 75 franchise accounts ect running on job boards for the last 10 yrs. The same info is posted on the Myriad website for jobs. This place must be turnover city since they always seem to have jobs posted on a regular basis NOT THE NORM TO SAY THE LEAST.
I am looking to make a move but the mindset and total comp with this place seems bizzaro COULD IT THE JOSEPH SMITH MORMON FACTOR WT#
You dumb think the only jobs every posted are current openings....its called ongoing recruiting. you are a dip shit by far. Let's see...a sales person without rankings is like a baseball player wout a glove. Oh wait, I want to play on a baseball team but you expect to me actually use a glove...and a glove of my own? that doesn't seem fair. you should GIVE me a glove because I told you I was really good and thus I am entitled to a free glove and a spot on your team. And if your glove doesn't catch every ball, then I expect you to still pay me and get me a new glove....because I am a dumb ass!!!!
In today's market, sales data and rankings in most companies is considered classified information and can not be shared. Most interview candidates can not provide them even if they wanted to and I'm seeing many more employers not asking for them anymore for the very same reasons. I'm not a Myriad employee, but a manager at another company. I interviewed fora role and Myriad and after careful consideration turned the offer down. After looking at this site this evening, I'm reassured that I made the right choice.
Right....sure you turned us down. Give me a break. I have yet to work for any SALEs company that doesn't share results. Hi, I'd like you to hire me because I say I am good, yet have zero proof of it. Pull this leg, it plays jingle bells. Thank YOU for going to work somewhere else where you can put your manager skills to work on this site.
Right....sure you turned us down. Give me a break. I have yet to work for any SALEs company that doesn't share results. Hi, I'd like you to hire me because I say I am good, yet have zero proof of it. Pull this leg, it plays jingle bells. Thank YOU for going to work somewhere else where you can put your manager skills to work on this site.

Agreed. I love it when manager or AE candidates interview, don't get the job and feel the need to post here. What a bunch of losers. If you can't show up with performance results you shouldn't waste their time.