Met with some supposedly senior Managers, women dress like hookers who had useless feedback specifics on why work for them. WOW what a trip, it was the worst interview ever experienced in more than 20 years. Pay was low very low, no benefits, and I finally asked them why they were looking at me???
Thanked them for wasting my time, left early and best part was able to make it for coffee with good friend by noon. WOW what a crap place to work if you ever have worked before. New hires must apply as experienced personal don't bother wasting time. Monkeys work here and professionals work elsewhere. Can't get over how ridiculous this interview was. Not all there !!!
Thanked them for wasting my time, left early and best part was able to make it for coffee with good friend by noon. WOW what a crap place to work if you ever have worked before. New hires must apply as experienced personal don't bother wasting time. Monkeys work here and professionals work elsewhere. Can't get over how ridiculous this interview was. Not all there !!!