Morphabond Disaster

Wow talk about some unethical reps selling an opioid! Heard from a provider that just moved to California that the Morphabond reps in Vegas were doing some pretty unethical things to sell the drug! No wonder they are top in the nation!

Morphabond is a bigger loser than Savaysa. KK should be embarrassed with himself. Bad idea Ken. When do you apologize to Japan and resign. Miss after miss on your part. What's your next trick up your sleeve? A Welchol candy bar? Come on man!
Savaysa ended a lot of careers. This was when we started getting territories that spanned 8 hour drive time. So now Morph is gonna be worse than that? Sweet

Egalet just stopped selling their TR products, tried to sell them and no one would pay a penny for them.
But you geniuses will be different, after all you are know for being closers.

Maybe we can hook up with another ex executive from Purdue and have him get us in contact with another opioid company he’s involved with and hire him as a “consultant”. Great idea.