More Zimmerman style justice?


Well, at least they did something, most of the time they do nothing, if the crime does not have anything to do drugs and/or money they are not interest in dealing with it.:rolleyes: duh

Yeah but both prosecutors had ties to the alleged murderers and let them slide. The first prosecutor on the case correctly did the right thing and recused herself because of ties with Gregory McMichael, who was an investigator in her office before he retired in May 2019.

A second prosecutor's son works in the district attorney's office, where Gregory McMichael was employed. This guy initially let him slide.

It stinks.

Yeah but both prosecutors had ties to the alleged murderers and let them slide. The first prosecutor on the case correctly did the right thing and recused herself because of ties with Gregory McMichael, who was an investigator in her office before he retired in May 2019.

A second prosecutor's son works in the district attorney's office, where Gregory McMichael was employed. This guy initially let him slide.

It stinks.

What stinks for them is they can't find any defense attorneys wanting to take the case.:rolleyes:o_O So now we being everyday citizens not law enforcement can chase people down if they look like they committed a crime, and kill them if they resist us chasing them wow.:rolleyes::confused: Everybody thinks they are a police officer, or CIA operate, these days don't they.:rolleyes:

As if you know! :rolleyes:

Gregory McMichael, the former Georgia police detective charged in the fatal shooting of 25-year-old Ahmaud Arbery, was stripped of his law-enforcement certification last February after failing to complete required use-of-force courses, records state.

Records show that McMichael, 64, lost his power to arrest after repeatedly failing to complete required training sessions—even after a 2014 warning that he had not finished mandatory force and firearms courses.

Gregory McMichael, the former Georgia police detective charged in the fatal shooting of 25-year-old Ahmaud Arbery, was stripped of his law-enforcement certification last February after failing to complete required use-of-force courses, records state.

Records show that McMichael, 64, lost his power to arrest after repeatedly failing to complete required training sessions—even after a 2014 warning that he had not finished mandatory force and firearms courses.

And what is your point, you know the rules don't apply to you little angels, only us devils.:D

Meanwhile: Sparky claims stand-your-ground aka 'open season'. :oops:

Sparky loves it when non law enforcement people brandish weapons. This gives him an excuse to babble about citizens' arrests and stand-your-ground. In this case, Gregory McMichael, the white retired law enforcement officer who helped chase down and kill the unarmed 25-year-old African American man, failed to complete sufficient basic law enforcement training for years, a deficiency that led to him losing his power of arrest.

McMichael, who worked as an investigator in the Brunswick judicial circuit district attorney’s office from 1995 to 2019, lost his power of arrest in January 2006 for failing to complete the required 20 hours of training the previous year, according to personnel records obtained by the Guardian.

He continued to be deficient in his training for the years that followed and didn’t get the waiver required to reinstate his power of arrest authority. Some of the training McMichael lacked included required courses on use of force and firearms.

Sparky loves it when non law enforcement people brandish weapons. This gives him an excuse to babble about citizens' arrests and stand-your-ground. In this case, Gregory McMichael, the white retired law enforcement officer who helped chase down and kill the unarmed 25-year-old African American man, failed to complete sufficient basic law enforcement training for years, a deficiency that led to him losing his power of arrest.

McMichael, who worked as an investigator in the Brunswick judicial circuit district attorney’s office from 1995 to 2019, lost his power of arrest in January 2006 for failing to complete the required 20 hours of training the previous year, according to personnel records obtained by the Guardian.

He continued to be deficient in his training for the years that followed and didn’t get the waiver required to reinstate his power of arrest authority. Some of the training McMichael lacked included required courses on use of force and firearms.
Sparky loves it when non law enforcement people brandish weapons. This gives him an excuse to babble about citizens' arrests and stand-your-ground. In this case, Gregory McMichael, the white retired law enforcement officer who helped chase down and kill the unarmed 25-year-old African American man, failed to complete sufficient basic law enforcement training for years, a deficiency that led to him losing his power of arrest.

McMichael, who worked as an investigator in the Brunswick judicial circuit district attorney’s office from 1995 to 2019, lost his power of arrest in January 2006 for failing to complete the required 20 hours of training the previous year, according to personnel records obtained by the Guardian.

He continued to be deficient in his training for the years that followed and didn’t get the waiver required to reinstate his power of arrest authority. Some of the training McMichael lacked included required courses on use of force and firearms.

Apparently, Sparky's gone into hiding. That's what he does. ;)

Sparky loves it when non law enforcement people brandish weapons. This gives him an excuse to babble about citizens' arrests and stand-your-ground. In this case, Gregory McMichael, the white retired law enforcement officer who helped chase down and kill the unarmed 25-year-old African American man, failed to complete sufficient basic law enforcement training for years, a deficiency that led to him losing his power of arrest.

McMichael, who worked as an investigator in the Brunswick judicial circuit district attorney’s office from 1995 to 2019, lost his power of arrest in January 2006 for failing to complete the required 20 hours of training the previous year, according to personnel records obtained by the Guardian.

He continued to be deficient in his training for the years that followed and didn’t get the waiver required to reinstate his power of arrest authority. Some of the training McMichael lacked included required courses on use of force and firearms.
Oh, the irony! So experienced law enforcement isn’t supposed to have guns and citizens aren’t either. So just exactly who should be allowed to use guns? Hmmmmm?

Oh, the irony! So experienced law enforcement isn’t supposed to have guns and citizens aren’t either. So just exactly who should be allowed to use guns? Hmmmmm?

Hunting game, target practice and self defense are fine. A guy jogging isn't a threat and if you think he did something call the cops and follow him. Reverse the situation. What if 2 black guys brandishing shotguns chased you simply because you had a different skin tone. And then confronted you with a gun. Do you think they have that right? Yes or no?

Hunting game, target practice and self defense are fine. A guy jogging isn't a threat and if you think he did something call the cops and follow him. Reverse the situation. What if 2 black guys brandishing shotguns chased you simply because you had a different skin tone. And then confronted you with a gun. Do you think they have that right? Yes or no?
Come on Vag. What type of white guy do you think you are addressing on Cafe Pharma. Mostly bunch of fascist white guys who think they can kill then go to church and thump their chests about how they love Jeezus.

Hunting game, target practice and self defense are fine. A guy jogging isn't a threat and if you think he did something call the cops and follow him. Reverse the situation. What if 2 black guys brandishing shotguns chased you simply because you had a different skin tone. And then confronted you with a gun. Do you think they have that right? Yes or no?

They did not even call the cops they just followed him. Go looking for trouble and you will find it.:rolleyes: