More Studies For Bridion (sugammadex)?

Not LM or related to LM here, but....leave LM alone. She does a good job and knows what she's talking about.

You all should be HAPPY that you have someone with SOLID SALES rep experience and a MBA running the ship and not some MONKEY who just when to school and got a MBA w/o rep exprience.

LM may talk alot, but she knows her shit. I've seen her in action at national meetings and advisory boards. Yes, she need to dress her age more, but hey, she's European after all, all women her age over there dress to impress..even when they go to dumb grocery store (see Italy as an example). Dumb culture..but you still have to respect it. At least she aint wearing LLBean crap.

In Europe the price of Bridion is about 70 euro. That's way too much for reversing a drug of a few euro (except in live saving situations which is < 0.1% of the potential market) and marketing is killing the drug with the neurotic strive for a 1 billion dollar drug. If they don't change strategy soon this great drug will be a flop I fear.

In Europe the price of Bridion is about 70 euro. That's way too much for reversing a drug of a few euro (except in live saving situations which is < 0.1% of the potential market) and marketing is killing the drug with the neurotic strive for a 1 billion dollar drug. If they don't change strategy soon this great drug will be a flop I fear.

I agree. In the United States the plan was to implement the same pricing strategy. I am so glad that the drug wasn't approved as marketing it to our loyal base of anesthesia practitioners would have been a nightmare and an insult to them.

As a CRNA I like the idea of the sugammadex molecule and not having to combine a reversal agent with an anticholinergic. What I don't like and I believe many of my fellow anesthesia providers will frown upon is a suggested US price of around $50 per dose. 5ml of neostigmine and .8ml of glycopyrrolate on the high end might run around $10 per combined dose. The convenience factor isn't worth the price differential.

As a CRNA I like the idea of the sugammadex molecule and not having to combine a reversal agent with an anticholinergic. What I don't like and I believe many of my fellow anesthesia providers will frown upon is a suggested US price of around $50 per dose. 5ml of neostigmine and .8ml of glycopyrrolate on the high end might run around $10 per combined dose. The convenience factor isn't worth the price differential.

Suggamadex is a milestone in the practice of anesthesiology. There is no free lunch. Given the cost of surgery and the actual price charged to patients this is nonsense. The added safety is woth much more than $50.

Being able to reverse in two minutes in a cancelled surgery saves enough operating and recovery costs to pay for sugammadex for a month.

Suggamadex is a milestone in the practice of anesthesiology. There is no free lunch. Given the cost of surgery and the actual price charged to patients this is nonsense. The added safety is woth much more than $50.

Being able to reverse in two minutes in a cancelled surgery saves enough operating and recovery costs to pay for sugammadex for a month.

$50 would be cheap, I am hearing more like $200.