This isn't meant to sound stupid and I don't really care how people will comment on my post, but your words strongly resonated with me. You're right, even if you take a promotion, you are still working for a horrible company with no ethics. I think how this has individually damaged my reputation even though I know most people know I had nothing to do with this. I have been struggling morally working for this company and many of my physicians that Inconsider to be friends have strongly encouraged me to quit. If I wasn't the sole provider for my family, I would simply just quit. Even though I am the sole provider, I'm not sure if I am doing the right thing as I don't think I am being a good example for my kids. I can't work for a company that I don't respect. What Mallinckrodt has done is inexcusable and sick. I am embarrassed and appalled too. Those are the perfect words that describe how I feel. I no longer want to be a pawn of their unethical tactics. I've been interviewing and hope to find a new job soon with a company that I hopefully can respect to a degree. I've been praying a lot and hope the right thing happens.