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More layoffs

Whoa! No need to call me Dumbass and Idiot. I’m on your side. I’m a former BMSer who had 34 years of service and was shown the door due to leadership ineptitude. I was being totally sarcastic. What they did to the Orencia sales force a few years back was a mistake and total joke!!

Whoa! No need to call me Dumbass and Idiot. I’m on your side. I’m a former BMSer who had 34 years of service and was shown the door due to leadership ineptitude. I was being totally sarcastic. What they did to the Orencia sales force a few years back was a mistake and total joke!!

They cut headcount to overpay for an underperforming derm team. Now they have to make back what wasn’t made by that team and Orencia is the only way.

Expanding Orencia after you laid off a sales team which brought back profits for the company. What has Zeposia and Sotyktu returned in profit? How much has BMS paid for these sales teams? Someone should answer to this.

BMS is a joke if an organization. If you can get out than get out. They care about 1 division right now and that Dermatology. Our former leader MB hit up on stage and actually said that derm is the crown jewel of BMS. Haha. Maybe that’s why he was fired the next week because he’s as clueless as everyone else in BMS leadership. Also that town hall was biggest joke of underperforming people patting each other on their backs. I’m sure they all received a 100k+bonus while all us peons scrap to get bye. F this place

BMS is a joke if an organization. If you can get out than get out. They care about 1 division right now and that Dermatology. Our former leader MB hit up on stage and actually said that derm is the crown jewel of BMS. Haha. Maybe that’s why he was fired the next week because he’s as clueless as everyone else in BMS leadership. Also that town hall was biggest joke of underperforming people patting each other on their backs. I’m sure they all received a 100k+bonus while all us peons scrap to get bye. F this place

BMS is a joke if an organization. If you can get out than get out. They care about 1 division right now and that Dermatology. Our former leader MB hit up on stage and actually said that derm is the crown jewel of BMS. Haha. Maybe that’s why he was fired the next week because he’s as clueless as everyone else in BMS leadership. Also that town hall was biggest joke of underperforming people patting each other on their backs. I’m sure they all received a 100k+bonus while all us peons scrap to get bye. F this place