More layoffs?

LOST some people? We GOT RID OF some dead weight.

Thank you HMS leadership for finally making this happen.

Savient will do better with them anyhow - they are more comfortable with people of this ilk.

Well...this is evidence that this self proclaimed innovator is not what he purports. Innovators dont run sales systems for fledgling pharma companies (like he was hired to do at Savient) I'll put my wine down now and step away from the keyboard.

you talk like there's innovation at hms! hahahahahahaha maybe you should put down the wine and start sobering up so you can clearly see what's going on there. you might want to hire some people with real product management and technical backgrounds first

I'm confused, is this just one troll that's making up a conversation? The person always being brought up was a decent employee at HMS. It's even more confusing to someone familiar with the company, since as a product manager for a small product he didn't have that much control over the company or staff.

I'm confused, is this just one troll that's making up a conversation? The person always being brought up was a decent employee at HMS. It's even more confusing to someone familiar with the company, since as a product manager for a small product he didn't have that much control over the company or staff.

Its just one nutcase with an ax to grind. There are far worse people here than JC.

Its just one nutcase with an ax to grind. There are far worse people here than JC.

For the first few months I thought that they meant JS. Now that's a person with a lot of enemies, stepping over good people just to get more heads under her or to make up for her own insecurities. "I'm not disagreeing with you because you're a woman, I'm disagreeing with you because you are an idiot". I used to think that every time I met her.

Whoops, now I'm sounding like the JC hater...

The fact that she still remains standing after so many more competent individuals have fallen is only baffling if you are under the misconception that the emperor is actually wearing any pants. The blame for this, and a continuous string of other poor business decisions can all be traced to him. Unfortunately, she will persevere, and the cancer within our organization will continue to grow, because the emperor is seemingly above reproach. The only explanation is that it will cost more to replace him than to just keep things as they are.