Morale is in the shitter

It's a job, nothing more, nothing less. Do what you have to do to keep it and fill your life with what's important (friends, family, healthy endeavors etc). Lilly doesn't care about you personally. Lilly only cares about what your territory can potentially deliver to achieve its sales objectives.
It’s just that simple, huh? You must have family with money. JafedAF. Not everyone is so fortunate. Some of us need to keep our jobs.
And yes, we’re aware they don’t give one single fuck.

It’s just that simple, huh? You must have family with money. JafedAF. Not everyone is so fortunate. Some of us need to keep our jobs.
And yes, we’re aware they don’t give one single fuck.
I'm the original poster. Not sure what "JafedAF" means, but if it means Jaded, you're right. I no longer give this company power over me by becoming emotional when it behaves unfairly to myself and others. Fu#K them. I'm not suggesting you quit your job, just don't let it impact you emotionally. Go Grey rock. It's just a job.