MNK Management: You ought to be ashamed

Inventiv thinks this company is such a mess that they knew that they couldn't just issue PIPs out of the blue and refused to do it. I bet they won't renew their contract.

the contract is based on performance metrics, not sales goals. the contract will be cancelled the day they sell this pig to purdue or pfizer or whoever. they will keep them until then.

Performance metrics is corporate speak for we have no idea what we're doing. Goals are what you aspire to and set a plan in motion to achieve it. I'm surprised they haven't brought out the old paradigm shift corporate nonsnse.

joke when MNK do not hire experience knowing challenges behind this cluster F and Ofirmev being taken off every hospital and restricted!
Talked to Hospital Rep in the south that left for better opportunity said MNK is complete disaster and only take job if desperate need a job!