Yes, she is doing great. Global position with med device company (not wound care). She has a state of the art, world class training facility in the states and heads to Europe to train in Italy. Our loss was this company's gain.

A nickle says it is with a jnj company. She is like many other jnj lifers who make thier way back one way or another.

I never liked ML and am glad she's gone. She's wasn't very good and I didn't care for her style and delivery. Kinda plastic, patronizing and ra-ra loud. She was also close minded and only excited about her own ideas. Sorry!

If you got a 'plastic' feel from her, I am sure it was because she had to fake it in your presence!

To each their own on personality preference BUT to say she "wasn't very good" is just wrong and spiteful.

I hope you makes you feel better about yourself to come post your bullshit comments about other people anonymously--you are an ass!

A nickle says it is with a jnj company. She is like many other jnj lifers who make thier way back one way or another.

"jnj lifer"?? I think she is only in her early 30's and NO it's not jnj or one of the jnj companies.

How can you say she is "like many other jnj lifers......."? You know her well enough to say that yet you don't know where she went. Funny really.

If you got a 'plastic' feel from her, I am sure it was because she had to fake it in your presence!

To each their own on personality preference BUT to say she "wasn't very good" is just wrong and spiteful.

I hope you makes you feel better about yourself to come post your bullshit comments about other people anonymously--you are an ass!

You clearly don't have a lot of experience with good trainers. ML was used to having things her way and her way only. New folks above and below her didn't like that. Her departure was a good thing for the culture of this company. You need to come to terms with that and be a big girl. Her title was so overinflated too. global projects....this that and the other. Se was a sales trainer for the US. She also didn't know her ass from her elbow when it came to wound care.

You clearly don't have a lot of experience with good trainers. ML was used to having things her way and her way only. New folks above and below her didn't like that. Her departure was a good thing for the culture of this company. You need to come to terms with that and be a big girl. Her title was so overinflated too. global projects....this that and the other. Se was a sales trainer for the US. She also didn't know her ass from her elbow when it came to wound care.

She was a sales trainer for the US and a damn good one. Global projects, over inflated title you say. That's funny. How many US sales trainers do you know who travel all over Europe training them and as well as spending time at the Global HQ that is not US based?? I would say that is a Global position.

She was a sales trainer for the US and a damn good one. Global projects, over inflated title you say. That's funny. How many US sales trainers do you know who travel all over Europe training them and as well as spending time at the Global HQ that is not US based?? I would say that is a Global position.

Who gives a shit.