Hiding behind wife even before announcement...real politician.
Isn't that what Bin Laden did?
Hiding behind wife even before announcement...real politician.
Isn't that what Bin Laden did?
Look at the Whitehouse photo, and where is Mr. president? hiding behind SS Clinton (at least she is in fore). All men hide behind woman-in-charge..need real photos to substantiate anecdotal imagery from WH.
Mitch is on the front page of the New York Times today. His "private life" is discussed but only the fact that he has been married to his wife not just once, but twice. She dumped him and married a guy and moved to California for a few years. Now those three years are going to be VERY interesting to learn about. Then she returned, tail between her legs, begging for forgiveness, and proposed to Mitch because she saw greatness.
What did he do to survive separation anxiety (in that sense)? Did he looked for someone like Newt Gingrich did? There has to be story revealed behind separation, post separation anxiety and reunification exaltation.