It seems like the over agressive bully on here is actually some sort of management type at Hologic, trying to justify the disgusting acts of the company by further lying about the facts. It’s almost as if the sales force is pushing back on this bogus data, and this messaging is for them. FOLKS THEY ARE LYING TO YOU. My god, what a toxic culture.
Explain again why JMIG and American Journal of Gynecology rejected the study? because they claim potential patient bias and numerous ethics violations. The explanation I’ve heard before is some sort of conspiracy theory against Hologic? Meanwhile, every piece of legitimate data produced by reputable journals or the FDA shows statistical significance in terms of the benefits of Minerva over Novasure (or any of the other ablation devices created before the year 2000). This Dove Press garbage dumpster fire retrospective survey (which all doctors know is an absolute joke of a method for conducting a study) is the only “publication” which shows the opposite to be true. Compound that with new reps without relationships, or without any idea what they are actually talking about for that matter, running around blindly with this thing. I predict significant damage to the brand.
There will be significant fall out for the way Hologic management is conducting themselves in this market. The FDA is on to them and it is only a matter of time before the hammer falls. And that will be a good day.