Mimedx a sinking ship

Here’s the damn truth bomb …Mimedx went through a shit storm with the book cooking and took a beating on the way out of it. They NEVER looked ahead. Always a now , today , tomorrow mindset. Never thought 5/7/10 years ahead. Then the clin trials both failed…repeat..BOTH - current leadership were all sold on at least one of those injections being approved eventually….negative.
Now they are stuck , so … how do we keep shareholders happy?
Answer… GROWTH !!! FY2021=change comp plan , take commission away from the field and call it growth.
FY2022 = same thing… business as usual …. Oh and go get all the private coverage….
Message to leadership….. if you want reps to focus on PRIVATE ins coverage…….PAY UP = higher base, higher %….. but wait , we have to show growth to shareholders so we can’t do that. #basic #elementary #dobetter

your reps and employees aren’t as dumb as you think they are

So the SEC is now going after Michael Senken, former CFO. He claims he didn’t know what was going on. I guess you are either lying are incompetent. The clown show continues.

Is medicare lcd restricting skin grafts to 2 applications and ending payment for pureply? If so then its over for kim commando and indiania rohit and former opioid selling Tim ..

Doesn’t Transforming Tim mean “361” ?

Reported first quarter net sales of $58.9 million, down less than 2% from the prior year quarter despite the loss of revenue from Section 351 products (as defined below). Net sales of the Company's continuing portfolio of tissue and cord products increased 13% versus the same period last year.