Michale M


This is a very sick individual. Some of the things he has done to people are awful. He is a backstabbing person and bad mouths almost everyone. He calls one person on the cell and says bad things about them and then calls another person to say bad things about the person he spoke with before.

He has severe mental issues. He goes around and tells everyone his problems. He lives pay check to pay check and goes around and tells people. How can a company trust someone like him to run a business yet he can not even pay his bills. He tells everyone about all the taxes he owes.

He thinks he's gods gift to man. He has been very nasty to members of the sales force. Fong and team never took care of the issue and now he's creating more problems for more people.

So many people went to HR on him yet the company never did anything. Will Hank now stand up and see the light.

There are so many problems with working in a company but there is one thing many of us agree. We have never seen anyone like Michale M. All his past people say he's sick and call him Crazy.

He tries to come off as a kind man then becomes nasty; he screams, he does odd things on Zoom calls. He thinks his Gods gift yet the guy can not pay his bills and owes all this money.

Poor wife. Poor people who work with him.

Many have had enough. Take action and stand up against this crazy person.

I think many know it's time to deal with this direct on. No one will stand up now but we all know that there was a group of individuals that had a meeting with Adam on this, Adam and Jim did nothing.

The Sobi HR group is different it seems and may have more weight. It has to be delt with There is the looming investigation into his vendors and he has been this way for years.

Time to address and deal with it and get him on his way

Ah excuse me CTI. who let this crazy nut stay at CTI, he should have been fired. He is f'ing crazy. OMG. This guy never shuts up and rambles like he has some mental disorder.

He's right out of that crazy movie one flew over the cuckoo next.

He slurs when he rambles too. Almost spits.

This guy is out of his mind. Did you all see him at the meeting. Like a manic nut that needs to be placed into a hospital ASAP. What a two face dirk brain. He runs a round like he owns the place and spits when he talks and rambles. He speaks but he makes no sense.

One by one they are getting rid of the CTI folks. This guy has to go.

This guy is out of his mind. Did you all see him at the meeting. Like a manic nut that needs to be placed into a hospital ASAP. What a two face dirk brain. He runs a round like he owns the place and spits when he talks and rambles. He speaks but he makes no sense.

One by one they are getting rid of the CTI folks. This guy has to go.

Um, the CTI folks are running to get away from this dumpster fire. Literally every single CTI legacy person in the field is looking for a job. In two years, nobody left and in two months, over a dozen have jumped ship.

Happy Thanksgiving Crazy MM. Are you spending time in the crazy ward over the weekend to get your dose of Ketamin. Crazy MM Crazy MM are you there Crazy MM. Hank wants to see you

This dude thought he was going to get the VP spot, but they brought in someone else. He is so not VP material, can not even use excel spreadsheet without calling someone to get help.

Sobi is ready to can him anyway. He thinks he can get away with whatever he wants.

To anyone trying to hire him... Be warned, look at the comments, and make sure you do some calls outside the normal checks.
You won't regret.

Wow you really are pathetic and sick , get a life , you are the one who clearly has mental issues starting with obsession, look at all the time and energy you spent on one person while clearly that person is climbing the staircase in his career while you are hiding behind your computer screen like a miserable desperate coward and badmouthing him , I hope you realize how pathetic you are , what a loser you are , and guess what you miserable pathetic loser : people like yourself with no character, morals , ethics will only watch others become CEOs while hiding behind their screens