Michael you will soon be fired!

There are people in this organization we look up to and have the qualities which make us want to do our best. Then there is OB, full of crap and comes across as an idiot.
He is the reason we have failed and will continue to fail. He has trashed PC and now ONC.

Take him out LC or SS.

There are people in this organization we look up to and have the qualities which make us want to do our best. Then there is OB, full of crap and comes across as an idiot.
He is the reason we have failed and will continue to fail. He has trashed PC and now ONC.

Take him out LC or SS.

I suggest you listen to the town hall again. Lonnel clearly stated that OB would be making all the decisions related to the salesforce. Didn't sound to me like OB is going anywhere my friend. Go to plan B.

OB has decided to open his mouth and insert his entire shoe collection. His rants in this board is just hurting him more than ever. LC should tell him: "Michael, for the love of God, please just shut up."

Awww, I am still drinking the hhc Kool-Aid.
Don't ruin it for me. I may be without a job in a few months, but I am going to enjoy what I got for now....and stash some cash. I've worked for 3 BIG pharma companies. This is by far the best one yet. AND I feel like they are actually telling us what they decide as soon as they can. I wanna stay. I like LC and OB. Please, I like it here.
I think he's a good guy.
I think he's competent.
Slurrrp! Grape is good.