To the OP:
"I watched several men at this company make disparing remarks about the woman who filed gender lawsuits...saying they were lying, silly or dumb."
That is a legit complaint.--Those individuals should not be discussing that issue in a bar. In fact, unless they were in HR technically, they shouldn't even know about the gender lawsuits. Someone has a big mouth. However, sometimes the person filing the lawsuit has a big mouth too and tells a bunch of people about it.
"What sucks is it’s happened to me at this company more than once."
What has happened to you more than once? You filed a gender lawsuit and some men bad you mouthed you about it? That is how you structured the sentence.
Or, is it that more than once guys have hit on you and been very forthright with their intentions/offers?
A guy invited me back to their room and was aggressive about it, offered gifts in exchange for lewd acts, etc. If you stand up and say this is wrong people will say you asked for it, you must have been flirting in the bar etc (which was not the case)."
You do know the word "NO" exists, right? Tell a creep to get lost. That should be the end of it. If they don't get the message, tell them if they persist you'll go to HR. If it's a superior, pull out your phone and record. Go to HR, and shut up about it.
Strong women do not act like victims. They handle it appropriately and fix the problem.