
As a parent of 2 daughters, I agree with what you say. Too many BS #meToo claims make legitimate claims harder to prove.

Right because being a parent of two daughters makes you an expert somehow? That’s like saying I can’t be racist because I have black friends. I feel sorry for your daughters.

I only care about it when it is legit, not some Snowflake that's upset she overheard what two guys were talking about at the bar and is now offended. #fool #dummy

May want to consider asking your Dr about increasing the dose buddy. She didn’t over hear it. It happened directly to her. As the parent of two daughters I should know.

Right because being a parent of two daughters makes you an expert somehow? That’s like saying I can’t be racist because I have black friends. I feel sorry for your daughters.
You shouldn't feel sorry for them. They are strong, confident, young women who don't cry wolf every time someone looks at them wrong. You on the other hand are a typical liberal snowflake who will blame white men for every problem in your life. And, something tells me, you have plenty of problems. #hopeThatHelps

You shouldn't feel sorry for them. They are strong, confident, young women who don't cry wolf every time someone looks at them wrong. You on the other hand are a typical liberal snowflake who will blame white men for every problem in your life. And, something tells me, you have plenty of problems. #hopeThatHelps
Whoa! Blame white men? Dang....seriously how ancient are you? Wow! Just wow...now I really feel sorry for them.

You shouldn't feel sorry for them. They are strong, confident, young women who don't cry wolf every time someone looks at them wrong. You on the other hand are a typical liberal snowflake who will blame white men for every problem in your life. And, something tells me, you have plenty of problems. #hopeThatHelps

Dude are you like 200 years old or something? Seriously...wtf! My problem is you are one of the scariest people posting on here and that’s saying something. Holy crap I hope you don’t work here. Do you still use the telegraph to communicate? An outhouse to pinch a loaf? Candles to see your Veeva screen? Jesus

You shouldn't feel sorry for them. They are strong, confident, young women who don't cry wolf every time someone looks at them wrong. You on the other hand are a typical liberal snowflake who will blame white men for every problem in your life. And, something tells me, you have plenty of problems. #hopeThatHelps

My biggest question is do you use the word varmint at any point in describing your wife and/or your favorite pet. If so I have no more questions. Thank you

To the OP:
"I watched several men at this company make disparing remarks about the woman who filed gender lawsuits...saying they were lying, silly or dumb."

That is a legit complaint.--Those individuals should not be discussing that issue in a bar. In fact, unless they were in HR technically, they shouldn't even know about the gender lawsuits. Someone has a big mouth. However, sometimes the person filing the lawsuit has a big mouth too and tells a bunch of people about it.

"What sucks is it’s happened to me at this company more than once."
What has happened to you more than once? You filed a gender lawsuit and some men bad you mouthed you about it? That is how you structured the sentence.
Or, is it that more than once guys have hit on you and been very forthright with their intentions/offers?

A guy invited me back to their room and was aggressive about it, offered gifts in exchange for lewd acts, etc. If you stand up and say this is wrong people will say you asked for it, you must have been flirting in the bar etc (which was not the case)."

You do know the word "NO" exists, right? Tell a creep to get lost. That should be the end of it. If they don't get the message, tell them if they persist you'll go to HR. If it's a superior, pull out your phone and record. Go to HR, and shut up about it.

Strong women do not act like victims. They handle it appropriately and fix the problem.

Dude what’s your beef with the OP? What are you a lawyer? HR? Hate to break it to you inspector gadget but the lawsuits are on this thing called the internet....so it’s free game. Your whole thread loses credibility after that.

What’s the big deal man? Some woman felt violated and is scared. That’s the whole story. Get a life. Break out the recorder? Seriously? You obviously are guilty of something yourself or you wouldn’t be on such an epic crusade to tell woman how to be strong.

To the OP:
"I watched several men at this company make disparing remarks about the woman who filed gender lawsuits...saying they were lying, silly or dumb."

That is a legit complaint.--Those individuals should not be discussing that issue in a bar. In fact, unless they were in HR technically, they shouldn't even know about the gender lawsuits. Someone has a big mouth. However, sometimes the person filing the lawsuit has a big mouth too and tells a bunch of people about it.

"What sucks is it’s happened to me at this company more than once."
What has happened to you more than once? You filed a gender lawsuit and some men bad you mouthed you about it? That is how you structured the sentence.

Or, is it that more than once guys have hit on you and been very forthright with their intentions/offers?

A guy invited me back to their room and was aggressive about it, offered gifts in exchange for lewd acts, etc. If you stand up and say this is wrong people will say you asked for it, you must have been flirting in the bar etc (which was not the case)."

You do know the word "NO" exists, right? Tell a creep to get lost. That should be the end of it. If they don't get the message, tell them if they persist you'll go to HR. If it's a superior, pull out your phone and record. Go to HR, and shut up about it.

Strong women do not act like victims. They handle it appropriately and fix the problem.

So weird that a woman would feel intimidated from coming forward. You seem really open to diverging opinions and can put yourself in someone else’s shoes. Especially with the ending line of “shut up” how could a woman NOT feel great about discussing these issues. Such a head scratcher....luckily we have men around to mansplain to us. Thanks for telling us how to think and feel!!!

I've only been here a little over two years andr am field based, but my experience has been that this is a very ethical and respectful place to work. I just don't see any harassment and the culture, at least in the area I work, would not tolerate such behavior. Not to diminish the OP's situation, but this is probably the most respectful company I have worked at in this industry. Love the culture here and feel fortunate to work for such a great company.

I've only been here a little over two years andr am field based, but my experience has been that this is a very ethical and respectful place to work. I just don't see any harassment and the culture, at least in the area I work, would not tolerate such behavior. Not to diminish the OP's situation, but this is probably the most respectful company I have worked at in this industry. Love the culture here and feel fortunate to work for such a great company.
There are no issues here! The OP is a troll and is trying to stir up problems.