#metoo rumors?

This is systemic and pervasive here at Shire. From Area Sales directors- RBDs to Perry Sternberg. The culture of turn your head and walk away has ended. Any level of harassment whether sexual, age, from colleagues or anything that would make one feel uncomfortable is wrong. Takeda will clear a majority of these low life’s out but the industry must change. This organization needs to CHANGE! #metoo

Lots of people bought whistles with their NSM Amazon card. Going to get interesting real soon. I know what some are going to say, “if you don’t like it leave”. I see that as an easy out. That easy out is why this behavior continues. Rd’s, ZD’s and up the ladder are in for a rollercoaster. You all thought know one was watching or those that worked for you would never speak up out of fear. Get some popcorn everyone. It’s going to be fun to watch them fall professionally and personally. Karma is real.

Lots of people bought whistles with their NSM Amazon card. Going to get interesting real soon. I know what some are going to say, “if you don’t like it leave”. I see that as an easy out. That easy out is why this behavior continues. Rd’s, ZD’s and up the ladder are in for a rollercoaster. You all thought know one was watching or those that worked for you would never speak up out of fear. Get some popcorn everyone. It’s going to be fun to watch them fall professionally and personally. Karma is real.

The individuals in question are well known. Yes and corporate is aware and I’m sure doing their due diligence in investigating. The knock on the door is near and these ppl will be appropriately served and will no longer be able to run or hide. Their actions have been exsquistitely documented. Time has run out for them. The will be getting their karma. Each and every one of them. Including their enablers. #timesup #metoo