Merck Voice survey time


Why are they bothering sending out surveys again? They directors or managers Never tell us the results. The text portion is too limited to really state what you want. I refuse to do he survey. Let's all boycott.


Why are they bothering sending out surveys again? They directors or managers Never tell us the results. The text portion is too limited to really state what you want. I refuse to do he survey. Let's all boycott.

"Results" are already printed up and ready for distribution to the KoolAide batallion for Team meetings..

Here is the usual sequence for surveys

1) Surveys are sent out and show poor results in a number of areas
2) Management is given targets for improving survey results
3) The next survey comes out worse, so instead of holding management responsible, they change the survey questions

BTW - comments on surveys have virtually no impact. The company analyzing the surveys provides a very limited sample of the comments back to Merck so management sees very few of the comments. All that really gets looked at is the average score for a survey question and the percentage of people that have a negative response to a question

My favorite survey story comes from the HIV group. The post above is spot on.
1) Send the survey out
2) Managers are informed that the response was 20% from the HIV field team
3) Managers get involved(illegally) asking reps who filled out and who did not
4) Managers threaten direct reports that the response from team "had better be 100%"

5) HIV sales team kills managers and J Schwind and the CTLs and Schwind lose 30% of their bonus money.

Only at Merck


Cafepharma is where I conduct my survey on management. The information is more honest here and many people get to review and add their own opinion, including management.

Why are they bothering sending out surveys again? They directors or managers Never tell us the results. The text portion is too limited to really state what you want. I refuse to do he survey. Let's all boycott.

Who needs free text in the surveys? They already know there are 80k plus employees who would say "Fu"

My favorite survey story comes from the HIV group. The post above is spot on.
1) Send the survey out
2) Managers are informed that the response was 20% from the HIV field team
3) Managers get involved(illegally) asking reps who filled out and who did not
4) Managers threaten direct reports that the response from team "had better be 100%"

5) HIV sales team kills managers and J Schwind and the CTLs and Schwind lose 30% of their bonus money.

Only at Merck


Managers are beyond clueless. There is NO need for them to ask who responded, everyone has a UNIQUE url so once you click and fill out they know. This is how tgey track the response rate per group. The third party is not supposed to share individual response details by name per their contract but who can really trust anyone at Merck anymore?

The voice survey only takes into account the percentage of positive responses, so it doesn't matter if you pick strongly disagree or disagree. It also doesn't account for neutral responses. The results were shared in my area and it was pretty clear that people like their immediate managers but no one trusts or respects upper management.

Who could forget a certain dipshit DCO in the Midwest who actually informed the reps which questions he AND the CTLs would be graded on? I mean really? Come on.

This is NOT limited to sales! I am in HQ and our management gave us the question number to match to the NAME in our organization. For example, "questions 10-15 mean Joe Clueless when it refers to your 'immediate manager'."

Managers are beyond clueless. There is NO need for them to ask who responded, everyone has a UNIQUE url so once you click and fill out they know. This is how tgey track the response rate per group. The third party is not supposed to share individual response details by name per their contract but who can really trust anyone at Merck anymore?

Your response appears and sounds interesting. Is this accurate. I am NOT surprised. Been with Merck 15 years and it is getting worse by the day!

If I don't fill out then they send me reminder emails every day! I get voicemails with expect ions of 100 percent response rate.

If they pay me, I will fill out. If they call me, I will answer, if they promise to share all results I will fill out.
Western region

My favorite is the facilities management survey at HQ. Apparently getting garbage cans in the parking garages is a very difficult endeavor. So, leave trash wherever it suits you.

Your response appears and sounds interesting. Is this accurate. I am NOT surprised. Been with Merck 15 years and it is getting worse by the day!

If I don't fill out then they send me reminder emails every day! I get voicemails with expect ions of 100 percent response rate.

If they pay me, I will fill out. If they call me, I will answer, if they promise to share all results I will fill out.
Western region

It is absolutely accurate. The emails tells you NOT to share the url sent to YOU and if you check with any other person their url is different. Each response is easily matched to the email it was sent to using the url and the key.

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