Merck to cut 600 Sales Reps by end of next month

Could be 15-20k or more on loss and another 5k less on bonus with contract. Have strong resume and jobs are tight. Big competition. Small companies fewer and will not pay big.

Time to look at biotechs and yes they do pay bigger. I went to Amgen and my salary shot up, better car, enjoyable QOL, no micromanagement. Biological sales is the place to be.

Time to look at biotechs and yes they do pay bigger. I went to Amgen and my salary shot up, better car, enjoyable QOL, no micromanagement. Biological sales is the place to be.

It's not that safe ... Amgen just announced that 2900 will be layed off by 2015. I do agree about biotech though. They tend to pay more!

Biotechs are just waiting for the generic tsunami to hit them.. they've been riding a good wave for a very, very long time (imagine what pharma would be like withOUT generic competition)..

say biosimilar to that Amgen rep you see next time...Oh, the horror stories he'll tell about stuff being mixed up in bathtubs in India and Mexico, how they really can't compare, not to mention DEATHs of millions of pts that will happen...sounds like a pharma rep from 1988..

Still a good ride if you get onboard but a lot of competition out there looking to get in.

Today is the day kiddies..make sure you send in both documents signed or initialed to the N.C. Separation Station and you're officially gone! For those of you who did not read the letter closely it was supposed to be mailed back in the envelope provided postage free! Just thought I would mention that for all or you who are stuck on doing things by the letter of the agreement!

Today is the day kiddies..make sure you send in both documents signed or initialed to the N.C. Separation Station and you're officially gone! For those of you who did not read the letter closely it was supposed to be mailed back in the envelope provided postage free! Just thought I would mention that for all or you who are stuck on doing things by the letter of the agreement!

FYI-There are no layoffs today or any planned for the near future....maybe you should just get off this board and sign up for a psych drug trail somewhere

Today is the day kiddies..make sure you send in both documents signed or initialed to the N.C. Separation Station and you're officially gone! For those of you who did not read the letter closely it was supposed to be mailed back in the envelope provided postage free! Just thought I would mention that for all or you who are stuck on doing things by the letter of the agreement!

Hope you're having a good day today. If there is sunshine wherever you reside, I hope you've been wheeled outside so that you might enjoy it. Maybe you can talk your way out of restraints while you're at it. We kiddies at Merck are doing just fine today, by the way.

Hope you're having a good day today. If there is sunshine wherever you reside, I hope you've been wheeled outside so that you might enjoy it. Maybe you can talk your way out of restraints while you're at it. We kiddies at Merck are doing just fine today, by the way.

Speak for yourself. I think this place completely sucks.

Today is the day kiddies..make sure you send in both documents signed or initialed to the N.C. Separation Station and you're officially gone! For those of you who did not read the letter closely it was supposed to be mailed back in the envelope provided postage free! Just thought I would mention that for all or you who are stuck on doing things by the letter of the agreement!

Hey Magoo....the stock just hit $60 today!! You are an idiot who sits and posts while we make money. I feel bad for you dopes that no longer work for Merck but still spend time on this board. Go Merck $$$$$$

Hey Magoo....the stock just hit $60 today!! You are an idiot who sits and posts while we make money. I feel bad for you dopes that no longer work for Merck but still spend time on this board. Go Merck $$$$$$

Really? So if you have 2,000 shares and sold today you'd make around 120,000 then there's fees, commissions, taxes...that sale might keep you afloat for maybe a many shares do you have? What was your stupid low math point? No thanks I'm doing better since I left Merck and sold. 60? Don't make me laugh. When I was at Merck they had regular splits. Last split was, I believe, in 1997. 60. That's funny.