Merck Rep : The cotton candy of careers

The job is very light on building new skills that can transfer to other jobs..but at least we have plenty of time outside of pharma to gain that experience...start networking, volunteer for outside boards etc...talking about budgeting, promotion (sales) on your outside projects will sound a lot better.

Seems to me the decision is between (1) hoping your future can be secure by staying put and (2) wasting your time staying put. What a place this industry and company is. Everyone is Willy Loman without even needing to get old.

What strikes me as laughable is all of the "developmental" activities we do and certifications, yet outside of pharma they aren't worth shit! The job really is full of bullshit and the real world reflects it. That's pretty funny.

What strikes me as laughable is all of the "developmental" activities we do and certifications, yet outside of pharma they aren't worth shit! The job really is full of bullshit and the real world reflects it. That's pretty funny.

The older Merck rep job when we used to have 1 or 2 per territory allowed us more true skill development. We were the primary, hospital, managed care, LTC and whatever reps all rolled into one. You did a lot of presentations to residents, P&T people, managed care people and on and on. You learned how to present to groups. You had to read journals to hang with the residents, especially during journal clubs. We rarely did lunches. We made sales calls. Then we add and add more reps, specialized and over-specialized and pretty soon we became caterer and UPS in suit. If you have slack off over the years you should have an above average command of computer, communications, public speaking, organizing and planning skills. Well, some even have great ass kissing skills.

Every time we have a friggin meeting someone has to go over the culture and the competencies and the SIP changes and a host of other bullshit! It's very clear by now that the asskissers got S3 positions with a line on these great customers or doing a bullshit spreadsheet and trying to be a numbers cruncher! Merck is slowly (rapidly) degenerating into something artificial and of its own making that will have to be changed again! That's the only thing that MBA's are good for is experimentation without experience and then changing again to fix what they've screwed up! It's death of a salesman all over again! When those promoted and valued start at ten, go home to pick up the kids at three and have two car seats in the back seat 24/7/365 you knew we were screwed! And the dumb shit managers still talk about 24hr service and such nonsense, we've got customers in the middle of allergy season that have not had a sample of Singulair in a year! Get real "a winery"!

Every time we have a friggin meeting someone has to go over the culture and the competencies and the SIP changes and a host of other bullshit! It's very clear by now that the asskissers got S3 positions with a line on these great customers or doing a bullshit spreadsheet and trying to be a numbers cruncher! Merck is slowly (rapidly) degenerating into something artificial and of its own making that will have to be changed again! That's the only thing that MBA's are good for is experimentation without experience and then changing again to fix what they've screwed up! It's death of a salesman all over again! When those promoted and valued start at ten, go home to pick up the kids at three and have two car seats in the back seat 24/7/365 you knew we were screwed! And the dumb shit managers still talk about 24hr service and such nonsense, we've got customers in the middle of allergy season that have not had a sample of Singulair in a year! Get real "a winery"!

another case of a bottom feeder in denial...leave and realize your talent is on par with a counter cashier at McDonalds, instead you have such integrity that you will stay at Merck and collect a paycheck you dont deserve.

another case of a bottom feeder in denial...leave and realize your talent is on par with a counter cashier at McDonalds, instead you have such integrity that you will stay at Merck and collect a paycheck you dont deserve.

Afraid you don't know shit about who "deserves" a paycheck at Merck. Let me assure you I "deserve" it as much as the next guy so yeah, I'll stay until I land something better. If Merck will pay me, I damn well deserve it.

Afraid you don't know shit about who "deserves" a paycheck at Merck. Let me assure you I "deserve" it as much as the next guy so yeah, I'll stay until I land something better. If Merck will pay me, I damn well deserve it.

Problem is, you wont land something better because you have an over inflated preception of yourself. Reality is your an S1 and my guess is that you"ll never find something better because at Merck people like you stick around until your fired or retired. You wouldnt last a day in b2b or med device because you cannot hide behind a team and your garbage.Your no different than any union thug out there with an entitlement attitude.

If you had real guts you would leave if your unhappy and find a job that would appreciate what you bring to the table instead of posting on this whinning site about how unfair Merck is.

Problem is, you wont land something better because you have an over inflated preception of yourself. Reality is your an S1 and my guess is that you"ll never find something better because at Merck people like you stick around until your fired or retired. You wouldnt last a day in b2b or med device because you cannot hide behind a team and your garbage.Your no different than any union thug out there with an entitlement attitude.

If you had real guts you would leave if your unhappy and find a job that would appreciate what you bring to the table instead of posting on this whinning site about how unfair Merck is.

S1 and S2 the same crew, little dfference beyond years here and prior title. Last in gets the shaft....longevity from past, company paid MBA, and connections takes you far, keeps you in a job.