Merck Oncology

See the writing on the wall and the abstracts coming for asco. The poplar trial is a real, robust trial. Not an n of 19 with horrid results. Awful to watch this evolve as the detail people are being so fed a bunch of BS to try and get some eventual early profit before it hits the wall and dies.

See the writing on the wall and the abstracts coming for asco. The poplar trial is a real, robust trial. Not an n of 19 with horrid results. Awful to watch this evolve as the detail people are being so fed a bunch of BS to try and get some eventual early profit before it hits the wall and dies.

Why do you think Adrienne left.

See the writing on the wall and the abstracts coming for asco. The poplar trial is a real, robust trial. Not an n of 19 with horrid results. Awful to watch this evolve as the detail people are being so fed a bunch of BS to try and get some eventual early profit before it hits the wall and dies.

Its ridiculously obvious to anyone with one scintilla of clinical acumen.